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+process/invert_color=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +stream=false +size_limit=0 +detect_3d=true +svg/scale=1.0 diff --git a/on_task_tracker/global_ints.gd b/on_task_tracker/global_ints.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11a694a --- /dev/null +++ b/on_task_tracker/global_ints.gd @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +extends Node + + +# Declare member variables here. Examples: +# var a: int = 2 +# var b: String = "text" + +var observation_minutes : int = 15 diff --git a/on_task_tracker/main_screen.gd b/on_task_tracker/main_screen.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76cce6a --- /dev/null +++ b/on_task_tracker/main_screen.gd @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +extends CanvasLayer + + +# Declare member variables here. Examples: +# var a: int = 2 +# var b: String = "text" +var date_time +var check_time_var : int + +onready var date_time_display = $"%CurrentTime" +onready var global_ints = $"/root/GlobalInts" +onready var minute_label = $"StartScreen/InstructionPanel/MinuteBox/MinuteLabel" + +# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. +func _ready(): + minute_label.text = str(global_ints.observation_minutes) + + +func _process(_delta): + check_time_var += 1 + #print(check_time_var) + + if check_time_var == 10: + check_time_var = 0 + date_time = OS.get_time() + date_time_display.text = str(date_time.hour, ":", date_time.minute) + + +func _on_MinuteMinus_pressed() -> void: + if global_ints.observation_minutes >= 2: + global_ints.observation_minutes -= 1 + minute_label.text = str(global_ints.observation_minutes) + + +func _on_MinutePlus_pressed() -> void: + if global_ints.observation_minutes < 60: + global_ints.observation_minutes += 1 + minute_label.text = str(global_ints.observation_minutes) + + +func _on_Manual_pressed() -> void: + var _error = OS.shell_open("https://www.internationalsengroup.org/resources/time-sampling-form/") diff --git a/on_task_tracker/main_screen.tscn b/on_task_tracker/main_screen.tscn index 2f8d4ea..b736eb3 100644 --- a/on_task_tracker/main_screen.tscn +++ b/on_task_tracker/main_screen.tscn @@ -1,18 +1,428 @@ -[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2] +[gd_scene load_steps=11 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://wb_theme.tres" type="Theme" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://main_screen.gd" type="Script" id=2] +[ext_resource path="res://Assets/photos/classroom-824120_1920.jpg" type="Texture" id=3] +[ext_resource path="res://Assets/fonts/noto_sans_display.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=5] +[ext_resource path="res://Assets/fonts/NotoSansDisplay-Bold.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=6] + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=2] +bg_color = Color( 0.952941, 0.933333, 0.847059, 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=1] +bg_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) +corner_radius_top_left = 50 +corner_radius_top_right = 50 +shadow_offset = Vector2( 0, 4 ) + +[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=4] +font_data = ExtResource( 5 ) + +[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=5] +size = 24 +font_data = ExtResource( 6 ) + +[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=6] +size = 32 +font_data = ExtResource( 6 ) [node name="AppWindow" type="CanvasLayer"] +script = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="Background" type="Panel" parent="."] +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +custom_styles/panel = SubResource( 2 ) +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="ClassroomPhoto" type="Sprite" parent="."] +position = Vector2( 640, 204 ) +scale = Vector2( 0.67, 0.67 ) +texture = ExtResource( 3 ) +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} [node name="StartScreen" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] -[node name="Panel" type="Panel" parent="StartScreen"] +[node name="InstructionPanel" type="Panel" parent="StartScreen"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -640.0 +margin_top = -171.0 +margin_right = 640.0 +margin_bottom = 359.0 +custom_styles/panel = SubResource( 1 ) +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="MinuteBox" type="HBoxContainer" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -53.5 +margin_top = -159.0 +margin_right = 53.5 +margin_bottom = -119.0 + +[node name="MinuteMinus" type="Button" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/MinuteBox"] +margin_right = 43.0 +margin_bottom = 40.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "-" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="MinuteLabel" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/MinuteBox"] +margin_left = 47.0 +margin_top = 3.0 +margin_right = 60.0 +margin_bottom = 37.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "1" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="MinutePlus" type="Button" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/MinuteBox"] +margin_left = 64.0 +margin_right = 107.0 +margin_bottom = 40.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "+" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="CurrentTime" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 1200.0 +margin_top = 510.0 +margin_right = 1279.0 +margin_bottom = 533.0 +custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 4 ) +text = "99:99" +align = 2 + +[node name="MinuteExplanation" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -322.5 +margin_top = -197.0 +margin_right = 322.5 +margin_bottom = -163.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "How long is your observation? (in minutes)" +align = 1 + +[node name="ObservationItemsTitle" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -102.5 +margin_top = -97.0 +margin_right = 102.5 +margin_bottom = -63.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 5 ) +text = "Observation Items" + +[node name="Title" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -172.5 +margin_top = -250.0 +margin_right = 172.5 +margin_bottom = -200.0 +custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 6 ) +text = "Time Sampling Form" +align = 1 + +[node name="BottomButtons" type="HBoxContainer" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -500.0 +margin_top = 180.0 +margin_right = 500.0 +margin_bottom = 240.0 + +[node name="Manual" type="Button" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/BottomButtons"] +margin_right = 247.0 +margin_bottom = 60.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Manual" + +[node name="ChangeItems" type="Button" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/BottomButtons"] +margin_left = 251.0 +margin_right = 498.0 +margin_bottom = 60.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Change Items" + +[node name="PupilName" type="Button" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/BottomButtons"] +margin_left = 502.0 +margin_right = 749.0 +margin_bottom = 60.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Pupil Name" + +[node name="Start" type="Button" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/BottomButtons"] +margin_left = 753.0 +margin_right = 1000.0 +margin_bottom = 60.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Start" + +[node name="GridObservations" type="GridContainer" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -518.5 +margin_top = -57.0 +margin_right = 518.5 +margin_bottom = 129.0 +columns = 3 + +[node name="1Acronym" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_right = 45.0 +margin_bottom = 34.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "OnT" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="1Item" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 49.0 +margin_right = 167.0 +margin_bottom = 34.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "On Task" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="1Explanation" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 171.0 +margin_right = 1037.0 +margin_bottom = 34.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "The pupil is on task" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="2Acronym" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_top = 38.0 +margin_right = 45.0 +margin_bottom = 72.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Loo" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="2Item" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 49.0 +margin_top = 38.0 +margin_right = 167.0 +margin_bottom = 72.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Looking" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="2Explanation" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 171.0 +margin_top = 38.0 +margin_right = 1037.0 +margin_bottom = 72.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = " The pupil is looking around in a distracted manner or is staring into the distance" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="3Acronym" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_top = 76.0 +margin_right = 45.0 +margin_bottom = 110.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Dis" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="3Item" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 49.0 +margin_top = 76.0 +margin_right = 167.0 +margin_bottom = 110.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Distracting" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="3Explanation" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 171.0 +margin_top = 76.0 +margin_right = 1037.0 +margin_bottom = 110.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "The pupil is distracting other pupils or talking to them" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="4Acronym" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_top = 114.0 +margin_right = 45.0 +margin_bottom = 148.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Wal" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="4Item" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 49.0 +margin_top = 114.0 +margin_right = 167.0 +margin_bottom = 148.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Walking" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="4Explanation" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 171.0 +margin_top = 114.0 +margin_right = 1037.0 +margin_bottom = 148.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "The pupil is walking through the class" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="5Acronym" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_top = 152.0 +margin_right = 45.0 +margin_bottom = 186.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Oth" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="5Item" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 49.0 +margin_top = 152.0 +margin_right = 167.0 +margin_bottom = 186.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "Other" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="5Explanation" type="Label" parent="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/GridObservations"] +margin_left = 171.0 +margin_top = 152.0 +margin_right = 1037.0 +margin_bottom = 186.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +text = "The pupil is otherwise distracted and not on task" +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="ManualScreen" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] +visible = false + +[node name="Panel" type="Panel" parent="ManualScreen"] anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 theme = ExtResource( 1 ) +[node name="ProcedureLabel" type="Label" parent="ManualScreen"] +margin_left = 84.0 +margin_top = 76.0 +margin_right = 472.0 +margin_bottom = 90.0 +text = "Procedure +The best way to do a time sampling observation is: +A. After the teacher has given the assignment where pupils are expected to work independently, or +individual help to the pupil has finished, the observation begins. The stopwatch is started. The observer +waits 20 seconds. +B. The observer notes what the pupil is doing right that second. +C. The observer circles the category that best describes what the pupil is doing at that time: OnT, Loo, Dis, +Wal, Oth. +D. The observer waits until the timer hits 40 and repeats step B and C. +E. The observer waits until the timer hits 60 and repeats step B and C. +F. This procedure is repeated for as long as the observation is set to last. +G. The observer does not score those moments where the teacher & pupil are interacting with each other." + +[node name="GoalLabel" type="Label" parent="ManualScreen"] +margin_left = 84.0 +margin_top = 76.0 +margin_right = 472.0 +margin_bottom = 90.0 +text = "Instead of describing the “on task behaviour” of a pupil, the observer can instead use this form to sample and +quantify what it looks like. +The advantage is that this process objectifies and quantifies the observed behaviour. During a Time Sampling +observation, the observer - during a period of time where pupils are expected to work independently – notes +down every 20 second what a pupil is doing. In this manner they score three times a minute. Afterwards the +observer can calculate percentages to see how “on task” the pupil was. +For pupils without an Additional Support Need, as a rough guideline, you would expect them to be +independently “on task” for the length of time equal to their age. So an eight year old pupil would be expected to +be able to remain “on task” for eight minutes." + [node name="ObservationWindow" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] visible = false +[node name="Panel" type="Panel" parent="ObservationWindow"] +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) + +[node name="Timer" type="Timer" parent="ObservationWindow"] + [node name="Results" type="CanvasLayer" parent="."] visible = false + +[node name="Panel" type="Panel" parent="Results"] +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +theme = ExtResource( 1 ) + +[connection signal="pressed" from="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/MinuteBox/MinuteMinus" to="." method="_on_MinuteMinus_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/MinuteBox/MinutePlus" to="." method="_on_MinutePlus_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="StartScreen/InstructionPanel/BottomButtons/Manual" to="." method="_on_Manual_pressed"] diff --git a/on_task_tracker/project.godot b/on_task_tracker/project.godot index 4afc25c..4ff573d 100644 --- a/on_task_tracker/project.godot +++ b/on_task_tracker/project.godot @@ -15,6 +15,17 @@ run/main_scene="res://main_screen.tscn" run/low_processor_mode=true config/icon="res://icon.png" +[autoload] + +GlobalInts="*res://global_ints.gd" + +[display] + +window/size/width=1280 +window/size/height=720 +window/stretch/mode="2d" +window/stretch/aspect="keep" + [gui] common/drop_mouse_on_gui_input_disabled=true @@ -25,4 +36,5 @@ common/enable_pause_aware_picking=true [rendering] +2d/snapping/use_gpu_pixel_snap=true environment/default_environment="res://default_env.tres" diff --git a/on_task_tracker/wb_theme.tres b/on_task_tracker/wb_theme.tres index 076d143..ff78e49 100644 --- a/on_task_tracker/wb_theme.tres +++ b/on_task_tracker/wb_theme.tres @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ corner_radius_bottom_right = 10 corner_radius_bottom_left = 10 [sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=11] -bg_color = Color( 0.462745, 0.662745, 0.560784, 1 ) +bg_color = Color( 0.952941, 0.933333, 0.847059, 1 ) border_width_left = 2 border_width_top = 2 border_width_right = 2 @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ Button/styles/focus = SubResource( 5 ) Button/styles/hover = SubResource( 6 ) Button/styles/normal = SubResource( 2 ) Button/styles/pressed = SubResource( 7 ) +Label/colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) Label/fonts/font = SubResource( 3 ) LineEdit/fonts/font = SubResource( 8 ) LineEdit/styles/normal = SubResource( 9 ) diff --git a/podbooker/BookingScreen.gd b/podbooker/BookingScreen.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..becb940 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/BookingScreen.gd @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +extends Panel + + +onready var booking_screen = $"%BookingScreen" +onready var lesson_grid = $"%LessonGrid" +onready var settings_button = $"%SettingsButton" +onready var important_vars = $"%impvars" +onready var booking_vars = $"%bookings" +onready var timer = $"%time" +onready var err_label = $"%ErrLabel" +onready var clear_button = $"%ClearButton" +onready var name1 = $"%Name1" +onready var name2 = $"%Name2" +onready var form1 = $"%Form1" +onready var form2 = $"%Form2" +onready var name3 = $"%Name3" +onready var form3 = $"%Form3" +onready var name4 = $"%Name4" +onready var form4 = $"%Form4" +onready var reason = $"%ReasonField" + + +func _clear_form(): + name1.text = "" + name2.text = "" + form1.text = "" + form2.text = "" + name3.text = "" + name4.text = "" + form3.text = "" + form4.text = "" + reason.text = "" + + +func restore_names_to_four(): + name3.visible = true + form3.visible = true + name4.visible = true + form4.visible = true + + +func _on_CancelButton_pressed(): + booking_screen.visible = false + lesson_grid.visible = true + settings_button.visible = true + err_label.visible = false + clear_button.visible = false + restore_names_to_four() + _clear_form() + + +func _book_it(): + booking_vars.set_values() + _clear_form() + + +func _on_BookButton_pressed(): + if name1.text == "" or reason.text =="": + err_label.visible = true + else: + var namer = "/root/MainStartScreen/ButtonGrid/" + important_vars.pod + "L" + str(important_vars.time) + var sp = get_node(str(namer)) + sp.text = "BOOKED" + + _book_it() + _on_CancelButton_pressed() + + +func _on_ClearButton_pressed(): + var namer = "/root/MainStartScreen/ButtonGrid/" + important_vars.pod + "L" + str(important_vars.time) + var sp = get_node(str(namer)) + sp.text = "" + _clear_form() + _book_it() + _on_CancelButton_pressed() diff --git a/podbooker/ButtonScript.gd b/podbooker/ButtonScript.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3366426 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/ButtonScript.gd @@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ +extends GridContainer + +onready var booking_screen = $"%BookingScreen" +onready var important_vars = $"%impvars" +onready var booking_vars = $"%bookings" +onready var lesson_grid = $"%LessonGrid" +onready var times = $"%time" +onready var settings_button = $"%SettingsButton" + +onready var name1 = $"%Name1" +onready var name2 = $"%Name2" +onready var form1 = $"%Form1" +onready var form2 = $"%Form2" +onready var reason = $"%ReasonField" +onready var name3 = $"%Name3" +onready var form3 = $"%Form3" +onready var name4 = $"%Name4" +onready var form4 = $"%Form4" + +onready var pod_name_label = $"%PodName" +onready var lesson_name = $"%LessonName" +onready var day_name = $"%DayName" + +onready var book_button = $"%BookButton" +onready var clear_button = $"%ClearButton" + + +func _ready(): + pass # Replace with function body. + + +func set_booking_screen_values(): + pod_name_label.text = "Pod " + important_vars.pod + lesson_name.text = "Lesson " + str(important_vars.time) + if important_vars.time == 8: + lesson_name.text = "Lunch Time" + day_name.text = "Today is " + times.dayofweek_word + + booking_vars.read_values() + if name1.text != "": + book_button.text = "Save Changed Booking" + else: + book_button.text = "Book" + + +func drop_names_to_two(): + print(important_vars.pod) +# or "A2" or "B1" or "B2" + if important_vars.pod == "A1": + name3.visible = false + form3.visible = false + name4.visible = false + form4.visible = false + + if important_vars.pod == "A2": + name3.visible = false + form3.visible = false + name4.visible = false + form4.visible = false + + if important_vars.pod == "B1": + name3.visible = false + form3.visible = false + name4.visible = false + form4.visible = false + + if important_vars.pod == "B2": + name3.visible = false + form3.visible = false + name4.visible = false + form4.visible = false + +# Let's agree that lesson 8 = lunch. No breaktime bookings anymore. +func book_button_pressed(pod_name, lesson): + + # Only do anything if it's not empty + important_vars.pod = pod_name + important_vars.time = lesson + + # This creates a variable called A1L1 etc + important_vars.current_pod = str(pod_name) + "L" + str(lesson) + + set_booking_screen_values() + drop_names_to_two() + + booking_screen.visible = true + lesson_grid.visible = false + settings_button.visible = false + if name1.text != "": + clear_button.visible = true + + +func _on_A1L1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A1", 1) + + +func _on_A2L1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A2", 1) + + +func _on_B1L1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B1", 1) + + +func _on_B2L1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B2", 1) + + +func _on_CL1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("C", 1) + + +func _on_DL1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("D", 1) + + +func _on_EL1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("E", 1) + + +func _on_FL1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("F", 1) + + +func _on_GL1_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("G", 1) + + +func _on_A1L2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A1", 2) + + +func _on_A2L2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A2", 2) + + +func _on_B1L2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B1", 2) + + +func _on_B2L2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B2", 2) + + +func _on_CL2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("C", 2) + + +func _on_DL2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("D", 2) + + +func _on_EL2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("E", 2) + + +func _on_FL2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("F", 2) + + +func _on_GL2_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("G", 2) + + +func _on_A1L3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A1", 3) + + +func _on_A2L3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A2", 3) + + +func _on_B1L3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B1", 3) + + +func _on_B2L3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B2", 3) + + +func _on_CL3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("C", 3) + + +func _on_DL3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("D", 3) + + +func _on_EL3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("E", 3) + + +func _on_FL3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("F", 3) + + +func _on_GL3_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("G", 3) + + +func _on_A1L4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A1", 4) + + +func _on_A2L4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A2", 4) + + +func _on_B1L4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B1", 4) + + +func _on_B2L4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B2", 4) + + +func _on_CL4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("C", 4) + + +func _on_DL4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("D", 4) + + +func _on_EL4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("E", 4) + + +func _on_FL4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("F", 4) + + +func _on_GL4_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("G", 4) + + +func _on_A1L5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A1", 5) + + +func _on_A2L5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A2", 5) + + +func _on_B1L5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B1", 5) + + +func _on_B2L5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B2", 5) + + +func _on_CL5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("C", 5) + + +func _on_DL5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("D", 5) + + +func _on_EL5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("E", 5) + + +func _on_FL5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("F", 5) + + +func _on_GL5_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("G", 5) + + +func _on_A1L6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A1", 6) + + +func _on_A2L6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A2", 6) + + +func _on_B1L6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B1", 6) + + +func _on_B2L6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B2", 6) + + +func _on_CL6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("C", 6) + + +func _on_DL6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("D", 6) + + +func _on_EL6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("E", 6) + + +func _on_FL6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("F", 6) + + +func _on_GL6_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("G", 6) + + +func _on_A1L7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A1", 7) + + +func _on_A2L7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A2", 7) + + +func _on_B1L7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B1", 7) + + +func _on_B2L7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B2", 7) + + +func _on_CL7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("C", 7) + + +func _on_DL7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("D", 7) + + +func _on_EL7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("E", 7) + + +func _on_FL7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("F", 7) + + +func _on_GL7_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("G", 7) + + +func _on_A1L8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A1", 8) + + +func _on_A2L8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("A2", 8) + + +func _on_B1L8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B1", 8) + + +func _on_B2L8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("B2", 8) + + +func _on_CL8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("C", 8) + + +func _on_DL8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("D", 8) + + +func _on_EL8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("E", 8) + + +func _on_FL8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("F", 8) + + +func _on_GL8_pressed(): + book_button_pressed("G", 8) diff --git a/podbooker/MainStartScreen.gd b/podbooker/MainStartScreen.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a5bdc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/MainStartScreen.gd @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +extends CanvasLayer + +onready var timer = get_node("%time") +onready var important_vars = $"%impvars" +onready var booking_screen = $"%BookingScreen" +onready var lesson_grid = $"%LessonGrid" +onready var button_grid = $"%ButtonGrid" +onready var reset_menu = $"%ResetMenu" + +onready var lunch_label = $"%Lesson8" +onready var a1l8 = $"%A1L8" +onready var a2l8 = $"%A2L8" +onready var b1l8 = $"%B1L8" +onready var b2l8 = $"%B2L8" +onready var cl8 = $"%CL8" +onready var dl8 = $"%DL8" +onready var el8 = $"%EL8" +onready var fl8 = $"%FL8" +onready var gl8 = $"%GL8" + +var lunch_enabled = false + +func create_ini_file(): + var ini_title = important_vars.day_uid + ".ini" + print(ini_title) + +# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. +func _ready(): + create_ini_file() + $"%DayLabel".text = timer.dayofweek_word + " " + str(timer.day_number) + " " + timer.month_word + booking_screen.visible = false + lesson_grid.visible = true + reset_menu.visible = false +# print(lunch_enabled) + +func toggle_lunch(): + + if lunch_enabled == false: + lunch_label.visible = true + a1l8.visible = true + a2l8.visible = true + b1l8.visible = true + b2l8.visible = true + cl8.visible = true + dl8.visible = true + el8.visible = true + fl8.visible = true + gl8.visible = true + lunch_enabled = true + + else: + lunch_label.visible = false + a1l8.visible = false + a2l8.visible = false + b1l8.visible = false + b2l8.visible = false + cl8.visible = false + dl8.visible = false + el8.visible = false + fl8.visible = false + gl8.visible = false + lunch_enabled = false + +func show_reset_menu(): + reset_menu.visible = true + lesson_grid.visible = false + button_grid.visible = false + +func _on_SettingsButton_pressed(): +# toggle_lunch() + show_reset_menu() diff --git a/podbooker/MainStartScreen.tscn b/podbooker/MainStartScreen.tscn new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c532ef --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/MainStartScreen.tscn @@ -0,0 +1,2150 @@ +[gd_scene load_steps=13 format=2] + +[ext_resource path="res://ButtonScript.gd" type="Script" id=1] +[ext_resource path="res://kellett.tres" type="Theme" id=2] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png" type="Texture" id=3] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/FutuBk.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=4] +[ext_resource path="res://MainStartScreen.gd" type="Script" id=5] +[ext_resource path="res://BookingScreen.gd" type="Script" id=6] +[ext_resource path="res://noun-cogs-1959786.png" type="Texture" id=7] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/bookings.gd" type="Script" id=8] +[ext_resource path="res://ResetMenu.gd" type="Script" id=9] +[ext_resource path="res://assets/ImportantVars.gd" type="Script" id=10] +[ext_resource path="res://time_script.gd" type="Script" id=11] + +[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=1] +size = 24 +font_data = ExtResource( 4 ) + +[node name="MainStartScreen" type="CanvasLayer"] +script = ExtResource( 5 ) + +[node name="impvars" type="Node" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +script = ExtResource( 10 ) + +[node name="ColorRect" type="ColorRect" parent="."] +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 + +[node name="ButtonGrid" type="GridContainer" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +margin_left = 101.0 +margin_top = 110.0 +margin_right = -5.0 +margin_bottom = -5.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +columns = 9 +script = ExtResource( 1 ) + +[node name="A1L1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL1" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 58.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL2" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 62.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 119.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL3" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 123.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 180.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL4" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 184.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 241.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL5" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 245.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 302.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL8" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL6" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 367.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 424.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL7" type="Button" parent="ButtonGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 428.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 485.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="RecurringGrid" type="GridContainer" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +visible = false +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +margin_left = 101.0 +margin_top = 110.0 +margin_right = -5.0 +margin_bottom = -5.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +columns = 9 +script = ExtResource( 1 ) + +[node name="A1L1" type="GridContainer" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +columns = 5 + +[node name="Button" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid/A1L1"] +margin_right = 17.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +text = "M" + +[node name="Button2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid/A1L1"] +margin_left = 21.0 +margin_right = 38.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +text = "T" + +[node name="Button3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid/A1L1"] +margin_left = 42.0 +margin_right = 59.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +text = "W" + +[node name="Button4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid/A1L1"] +margin_left = 63.0 +margin_right = 79.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +text = "T" + +[node name="Button5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid/A1L1"] +margin_left = 83.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +text = "F" + +[node name="A2L1" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L1" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L1" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL1" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL1" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL1" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL1" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL1" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 66.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL2" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 70.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 136.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL3" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 140.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 205.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL4" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 209.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 274.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL5" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 278.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 343.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL8" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +visible = false +margin_top = 306.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 363.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL6" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 347.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 412.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A1L7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="A2L7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B1L7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 305.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="B2L7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 309.0 +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 408.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="CL7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 412.0 +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 510.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="DL7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 514.0 +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 612.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="EL7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 616.0 +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 714.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="FL7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 718.0 +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 816.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="GL7" type="Button" parent="RecurringGrid"] +margin_left = 820.0 +margin_top = 416.0 +margin_right = 918.0 +margin_bottom = 481.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="TitleGrid" type="GridContainer" parent="."] +margin_left = 101.0 +margin_top = 85.0 +margin_right = 1017.0 +margin_bottom = 114.0 +grow_horizontal = 2 +grow_vertical = 2 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +columns = 9 + +[node name="A1Label" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_right = 99.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod A1" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="A2Label" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_left = 103.0 +margin_right = 202.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod A2" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="B1Label" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_left = 206.0 +margin_right = 304.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod B1" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="B2Label" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_left = 308.0 +margin_right = 406.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod B2" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="CLabel" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_left = 410.0 +margin_right = 508.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod C" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="DLabel" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_left = 512.0 +margin_right = 610.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod D" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="ELabel" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_left = 614.0 +margin_right = 712.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod E" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="FLabel" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_left = 716.0 +margin_right = 814.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod F" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="GLabel" type="Label" parent="TitleGrid"] +margin_left = 818.0 +margin_right = 916.0 +margin_bottom = 29.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +size_flags_vertical = 3 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Pod G" +align = 1 +valign = 1 + +[node name="LessonGrid" type="GridContainer" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 5.0 +margin_top = 108.0 +margin_right = 96.0 +margin_bottom = 595.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) + +[node name="Lesson 1" type="Label" parent="LessonGrid"] +margin_top = 17.0 +margin_right = 65.0 +margin_bottom = 40.0 +size_flags_vertical = 6 +text = "Lesson 1" + +[node name="Lesson 2" type="Label" parent="LessonGrid"] +margin_top = 79.0 +margin_right = 65.0 +margin_bottom = 102.0 +size_flags_vertical = 6 +text = "Lesson 2" + +[node name="Lesson 3" type="Label" parent="LessonGrid"] +margin_top = 141.0 +margin_right = 65.0 +margin_bottom = 164.0 +size_flags_vertical = 6 +text = "Lesson 3" + +[node name="Lesson 4" type="Label" parent="LessonGrid"] +margin_top = 203.0 +margin_right = 65.0 +margin_bottom = 226.0 +size_flags_vertical = 6 +text = "Lesson 4" + +[node name="Lesson 5" type="Label" parent="LessonGrid"] +margin_top = 264.0 +margin_right = 65.0 +margin_bottom = 287.0 +size_flags_vertical = 6 +text = "Lesson 5" + +[node name="Lesson8" type="Label" parent="LessonGrid"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_top = 325.0 +margin_right = 65.0 +margin_bottom = 348.0 +size_flags_vertical = 6 +text = "Lunch" + +[node name="Lesson 6" type="Label" parent="LessonGrid"] +margin_top = 386.0 +margin_right = 65.0 +margin_bottom = 409.0 +size_flags_vertical = 6 +text = "Lesson 6" + +[node name="Lesson 7" type="Label" parent="LessonGrid"] +margin_top = 447.0 +margin_right = 65.0 +margin_bottom = 470.0 +size_flags_vertical = 6 +text = "Lesson 7" + +[node name="CentralLogo" type="Sprite" parent="."] +position = Vector2( 46, 42 ) +scale = Vector2( 0.06, 0.06 ) +texture = ExtResource( 3 ) + +[node name="AppTitle" type="Label" parent="."] +anchor_right = 1.0 +margin_top = 3.0 +margin_bottom = 33.0 +custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0.647059, 0, 0, 1 ) +custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 1 ) +text = "Learning Central Pod Booker" +align = 1 + +[node name="DaySelector" type="HBoxContainer" parent="."] +anchor_right = 1.0 +margin_top = 42.0 +margin_bottom = 72.0 +alignment = 1 + +[node name="Left" type="Button" parent="DaySelector"] +visible = false +margin_left = 340.0 +margin_right = 358.0 +margin_bottom = 30.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "<<" + +[node name="DayLabel" type="Label" parent="DaySelector"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 491.0 +margin_right = 533.0 +margin_bottom = 30.0 +custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0.647059, 0, 0, 1 ) +custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 1 ) +text = "Day" +align = 1 + +[node name="Right" type="Button" parent="DaySelector"] +visible = false +margin_left = 655.0 +margin_right = 673.0 +margin_bottom = 30.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = ">>" + +[node name="BookingScreen" type="Panel" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +visible = false +anchor_right = 1.0 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +margin_left = 93.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +script = ExtResource( 6 ) + +[node name="CancelButton" type="Button" parent="BookingScreen"] +margin_left = 867.0 +margin_top = 572.0 +margin_right = 921.0 +margin_bottom = 592.0 +text = "Cancel" + +[node name="BookButton" type="Button" parent="BookingScreen"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 433.0 +margin_top = 538.0 +margin_right = 487.0 +margin_bottom = 561.0 +text = "Book" + +[node name="NamesBox" type="GridContainer" parent="BookingScreen"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +margin_left = -187.5 +margin_top = 146.0 +margin_right = 187.5 +margin_bottom = 290.0 +columns = 2 + +[node name="Name1" type="LineEdit" parent="BookingScreen/NamesBox"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_right = 313.0 +margin_bottom = 33.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="Form1" type="LineEdit" parent="BookingScreen/NamesBox"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 317.0 +margin_right = 375.0 +margin_bottom = 33.0 +expand_to_text_length = true +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="Name2" type="LineEdit" parent="BookingScreen/NamesBox"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_top = 37.0 +margin_right = 313.0 +margin_bottom = 70.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="Form2" type="LineEdit" parent="BookingScreen/NamesBox"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 317.0 +margin_top = 37.0 +margin_right = 375.0 +margin_bottom = 70.0 +expand_to_text_length = true +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="Name3" type="LineEdit" parent="BookingScreen/NamesBox"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_top = 74.0 +margin_right = 313.0 +margin_bottom = 107.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="Form3" type="LineEdit" parent="BookingScreen/NamesBox"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 317.0 +margin_top = 74.0 +margin_right = 375.0 +margin_bottom = 107.0 +expand_to_text_length = true +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="Name4" type="LineEdit" parent="BookingScreen/NamesBox"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_top = 111.0 +margin_right = 313.0 +margin_bottom = 144.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="Form4" type="LineEdit" parent="BookingScreen/NamesBox"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 317.0 +margin_top = 111.0 +margin_right = 375.0 +margin_bottom = 144.0 +expand_to_text_length = true +__meta__ = { +"_edit_lock_": true +} + +[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="BookingScreen"] +margin_left = 142.0 +margin_top = 42.0 +margin_right = 791.0 +margin_bottom = 82.0 + +[node name="PodName" type="Label" parent="BookingScreen/HBoxContainer"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_top = 8.0 +margin_right = 322.0 +margin_bottom = 31.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +text = "PodName" + +[node name="LessonName" type="Label" parent="BookingScreen/HBoxContainer"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 326.0 +margin_top = 8.0 +margin_right = 649.0 +margin_bottom = 31.0 +size_flags_horizontal = 3 +text = "LessonName" +align = 2 + +[node name="Reason" type="Label" parent="BookingScreen"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 304.0 +margin_top = 317.0 +margin_right = 619.0 +margin_bottom = 340.0 +text = "For what reason are you booking this Pod?" + +[node name="DayName" type="Label" parent="BookingScreen"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +visible = false +margin_left = 606.0 +margin_top = 81.0 +margin_right = 678.0 +margin_bottom = 130.0 +text = "DayName +" + +[node name="ReasonField" type="TextEdit" parent="BookingScreen"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 276.0 +margin_top = 345.0 +margin_right = 654.0 +margin_bottom = 514.0 +wrap_enabled = true + +[node name="Names" type="Label" parent="BookingScreen"] +margin_left = 279.0 +margin_top = 119.0 +margin_right = 344.0 +margin_bottom = 142.0 +text = "Name(s):" + +[node name="Forms" type="Label" parent="BookingScreen"] +margin_left = 593.0 +margin_top = 117.0 +margin_right = 653.0 +margin_bottom = 140.0 +text = "Form(s):" + +[node name="ErrLabel" type="Label" parent="BookingScreen"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +visible = false +margin_left = 285.0 +margin_top = 565.0 +margin_right = 638.0 +margin_bottom = 588.0 +text = "You must enter at LEAST one name + a REASON." + +[node name="ClearButton" type="Button" parent="BookingScreen"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +visible = false +margin_left = 759.0 +margin_top = 572.0 +margin_right = 862.0 +margin_bottom = 595.0 +text = "Clear Booking" + +[node name="SettingsButton" type="TextureButton" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +margin_left = 997.0 +margin_top = 3.0 +margin_right = 2197.0 +margin_bottom = 1203.0 +rect_scale = Vector2( 0.02, 0.02 ) +texture_normal = ExtResource( 7 ) + +[node name="bookings" type="Node" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +script = ExtResource( 8 ) + +[node name="ResetMenu" type="Panel" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +visible = false +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 0.5 +margin_left = -303.0 +margin_top = -45.5 +margin_right = 303.0 +margin_bottom = 45.5 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +script = ExtResource( 9 ) + +[node name="ResetButton" type="Button" parent="ResetMenu"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 1.0 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +margin_left = -24.0 +margin_top = -30.0 +margin_right = 24.0 +margin_bottom = -7.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Reset" + +[node name="CancelReset" type="Button" parent="ResetMenu"] +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_top = 1.0 +anchor_right = 0.5 +anchor_bottom = 1.0 +margin_left = 249.0 +margin_top = -28.5 +margin_right = 298.0 +margin_bottom = -5.5 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +text = "Cancel" + +[node name="PasswordField" type="LineEdit" parent="ResetMenu"] +unique_name_in_owner = true +anchor_left = 0.5 +anchor_right = 0.5 +margin_left = -141.0 +margin_top = 11.0 +margin_right = 141.0 +margin_bottom = 44.0 +theme = ExtResource( 2 ) +secret = true + +[node name="PasswordLabel" type="Label" parent="ResetMenu"] +margin_left = 80.0 +margin_top = 15.5 +margin_right = 156.0 +margin_bottom = 38.5 +text = "Password:" + +[node name="time" type="Node" parent="."] +unique_name_in_owner = true +script = ExtResource( 11 ) + +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/A1L1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_A1L1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/A2L1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_A2L1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/B1L1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_B1L1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/B2L1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_B2L1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/CL1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_CL1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/DL1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_DL1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/EL1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_EL1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/FL1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_FL1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/GL1" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_GL1_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/A1L2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_A1L2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/A2L2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_A2L2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/B1L2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_B1L2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/B2L2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_B2L2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/CL2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_CL2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/DL2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_DL2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/EL2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_EL2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/FL2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_FL2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/GL2" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_GL2_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/A1L3" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_A1L3_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/A2L3" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_A2L3_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/B1L3" to="ButtonGrid" method="_on_B1L3_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ButtonGrid/B2L3" 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+[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/EL5" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_EL5_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/FL5" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_FL5_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/GL5" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_GL5_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/A1L8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_A1L8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/A2L8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_A2L8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/B1L8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_B1L8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/B2L8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_B2L8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/CL8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_CL8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/DL8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_DL8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/EL8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_EL8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/FL8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_FL8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/GL8" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_GL8_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/A1L6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_A1L6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/A2L6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_A2L6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/B1L6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_B1L6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/B2L6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_B2L6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/CL6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_CL6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/DL6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_DL6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/EL6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_EL6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/FL6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_FL6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/GL6" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_GL6_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/A1L7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_A1L7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/A2L7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_A2L7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/B1L7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_B1L7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/B2L7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_B2L7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/CL7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_CL7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/DL7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_DL7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/EL7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_EL7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/FL7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_FL7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="RecurringGrid/GL7" to="RecurringGrid" method="_on_GL7_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="BookingScreen/CancelButton" to="BookingScreen" method="_on_CancelButton_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="BookingScreen/BookButton" to="BookingScreen" method="_on_BookButton_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="BookingScreen/ClearButton" to="BookingScreen" method="_on_ClearButton_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="SettingsButton" to="." method="_on_SettingsButton_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ResetMenu/ResetButton" to="ResetMenu" method="_on_ResetButton_pressed"] +[connection signal="pressed" from="ResetMenu/CancelReset" to="ResetMenu" method="_on_CancelReset_pressed"] diff --git a/podbooker/ResetMenu.gd b/podbooker/ResetMenu.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8794938 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/ResetMenu.gd @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +extends Panel + + +onready var timer = get_node("%time") +onready var important_vars = $"%impvars" +onready var booking_screen = $"%BookingScreen" +onready var lesson_grid = $"%LessonGrid" +onready var button_grid = $"%ButtonGrid" +onready var reset_menu = $"%ResetMenu" +onready var password_field = $"%PasswordField" + + +func _on_ResetButton_pressed(): + if password_field.text == "Heather": + get_tree().reload_current_scene() + +func _on_CancelReset_pressed(): + reset_menu.visible = false + lesson_grid.visible = true + button_grid.visible = true diff --git a/podbooker/assets/FutuBk.ttf b/podbooker/assets/FutuBk.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6c7b3a Binary files /dev/null and b/podbooker/assets/FutuBk.ttf differ diff --git a/podbooker/assets/ImportantVars.gd b/podbooker/assets/ImportantVars.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d59a50f --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/assets/ImportantVars.gd @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +extends Node + + +var pod +var time +var day_uid +var day_uid2 + +var current_pod : String + +var a1l1_booked : bool +var a2l1_booked : bool +var b1l1_booked : bool +var b2l1_booked : bool +var cl1_booked : bool +var dl1_booked : bool +var el1_booked : bool +var fl1_booked : bool +var gl1_booked : bool + +var a1l2_booked : bool +var a2l2_booked : bool +var b1l2_booked : bool +var b2l2_booked : bool +var cl2_booked : bool +var dl2_booked : bool +var el2_booked : bool +var fl2_booked : bool +var gl2_booked : bool + +var a1l3_booked : bool +var a2l3_booked : bool +var b1l3_booked : bool +var b2l3_booked : bool +var cl3_booked : bool +var dl3_booked : bool +var el3_booked : bool +var fl3_booked : bool +var gl3_booked : bool + +var a1l4_booked : bool +var a2l4_booked : bool +var b1l4_booked : bool +var b2l4_booked : bool +var cl4_booked : bool +var dl4_booked : bool +var el4_booked : bool +var fl4_booked : bool +var gl4_booked : bool + +var a1l5_booked : bool +var a2l5_booked : bool +var b1l5_booked : bool +var b2l5_booked : bool +var cl5_booked : bool +var dl5_booked : bool +var el5_booked : bool +var fl5_booked : bool +var gl5_booked : bool + +var a1l6_booked : bool +var a2l6_booked : bool +var b1l6_booked : bool +var b2l6_booked : bool +var cl6_booked : bool +var dl6_booked : bool +var el6_booked : bool +var fl6_booked : bool +var gl6_booked : bool + +var a1l7_booked : bool +var a2l7_booked : bool +var b1l7_booked : bool +var b2l7_booked : bool +var cl7_booked : bool +var dl7_booked : bool +var el7_booked : bool +var fl7_booked : bool +var gl7_booked : bool + +var a1l8_booked : bool +var a2l8_booked : bool +var b1l8_booked : bool +var b2l8_booked : bool +var cl8_booked : bool +var dl8_booked : bool +var el8_booked : bool +var fl8_booked : bool +var gl8_booked : bool + +# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. +func _ready(): + pass + + +# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. +#func _process(delta): +# pass diff --git a/podbooker/assets/NotoSansDisplay-Medium.ttf b/podbooker/assets/NotoSansDisplay-Medium.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa84482 Binary files /dev/null and b/podbooker/assets/NotoSansDisplay-Medium.ttf differ diff --git a/podbooker/assets/bookings.gd b/podbooker/assets/bookings.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f8c94c --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/assets/bookings.gd @@ -0,0 +1,1981 @@ +extends Node + +onready var important_vars = $"%impvars" + +onready var name1 = $"%Name1" +onready var name2 = $"%Name2" +onready var form1 = $"%Form1" +onready var form2 = $"%Form2" +onready var name3 = $"%Name3" +onready var form3 = $"%Form3" +onready var name4 = $"%Name4" +onready var form4 = $"%Form4" +onready var reason = $"%ReasonField" + +# A1 + +export var A1L1_name1 : String +export var A1L1_name2 : String +export var A1L1_form1 : String +export var A1L1_form2 : String +export var A1L1_reason : String + +export var A1L2_name1 : String +export var A1L2_name2 : String +export var A1L2_form1 : String +export var A1L2_form2 : String +export var A1L2_reason : String + +export var A1L3_name1 : String +export var A1L3_name2 : String +export var A1L3_form1 : String +export var A1L3_form2 : String +export var A1L3_reason : String + +export var A1L4_name1 : String +export var A1L4_name2 : String +export var A1L4_form1 : String +export var A1L4_form2 : String +export var A1L4_reason : String + +export var A1L5_name1 : String +export var A1L5_name2 : String +export var A1L5_form1 : String +export var A1L5_form2 : String +export var A1L5_reason : String + +export var A1L6_name1 : String +export var A1L6_name2 : String +export var A1L6_form1 : String +export var A1L6_form2 : String +export var A1L6_reason : String + +export var A1L7_name1 : String +export var A1L7_name2 : String +export var A1L7_form1 : String +export var A1L7_form2 : String +export var A1L7_reason : String + +export var A1L8_name1 : String +export var A1L8_name2 : String +export var A1L8_form1 : String +export var A1L8_form2 : String +export var A1L8_reason : String + +# A2 + +export var A2L1_name1 : String +export var A2L1_name2 : String +export var A2L1_form1 : String +export var A2L1_form2 : String +export var A2L1_reason : String + +export var A2L2_name1 : String +export var A2L2_name2 : String +export var A2L2_form1 : String +export var A2L2_form2 : String +export var A2L2_reason : String + +export var A2L3_name1 : String +export var A2L3_name2 : String +export var A2L3_form1 : String +export var A2L3_form2 : String +export var A2L3_reason : String + +export var A2L4_name1 : String +export var A2L4_name2 : String +export var A2L4_form1 : String +export var A2L4_form2 : String +export var A2L4_reason : String + +export var A2L5_name1 : String +export var A2L5_name2 : String +export var A2L5_form1 : String +export var A2L5_form2 : String +export var A2L5_reason : String + +export var A2L6_name1 : String +export var A2L6_name2 : String +export var A2L6_form1 : String +export var A2L6_form2 : String +export var A2L6_reason : String + +export var A2L7_name1 : String +export var A2L7_name2 : String +export var A2L7_form1 : String +export var A2L7_form2 : String +export var A2L7_reason : String + +export var A2L8_name1 : String +export var A2L8_name2 : String +export var A2L8_form1 : String +export var A2L8_form2 : String +export var A2L8_reason : String + +# B1 + +export var B1L1_name1 : String +export var B1L1_name2 : String +export var B1L1_form1 : String +export var B1L1_form2 : String +export var B1L1_reason : String + +export var B1L2_name1 : String +export var B1L2_name2 : String +export var B1L2_form1 : String +export var B1L2_form2 : String +export var B1L2_reason : String + +export var B1L3_name1 : String +export var B1L3_name2 : String +export var B1L3_form1 : String +export var B1L3_form2 : String +export var B1L3_reason : String + +export var B1L4_name1 : String +export var B1L4_name2 : String +export var B1L4_form1 : String +export var B1L4_form2 : String +export var B1L4_reason : String + +export var B1L5_name1 : String +export var B1L5_name2 : String +export var B1L5_form1 : String +export var B1L5_form2 : String +export var B1L5_reason : String + +export var B1L6_name1 : String +export var B1L6_name2 : String +export var B1L6_form1 : String +export var B1L6_form2 : String +export var B1L6_reason : String + +export var B1L7_name1 : String +export var B1L7_name2 : String +export var B1L7_form1 : String +export var B1L7_form2 : String +export var B1L7_reason : String + +export var B1L8_name1 : String +export var B1L8_name2 : String +export var B1L8_form1 : String +export var B1L8_form2 : String +export var B1L8_reason : String + +# B2 + +export var B2L1_name1 : String +export var B2L1_name2 : String +export var B2L1_form1 : String +export var B2L1_form2 : String +export var B2L1_reason : String + +export var B2L2_name1 : String +export var B2L2_name2 : String +export var B2L2_form1 : String +export var B2L2_form2 : String +export var B2L2_reason : String + +export var B2L3_name1 : String +export var B2L3_name2 : String +export var B2L3_form1 : String +export var B2L3_form2 : String +export var B2L3_reason : String + +export var B2L4_name1 : String +export var B2L4_name2 : String +export var B2L4_form1 : String +export var B2L4_form2 : String +export var B2L4_reason : String + +export var B2L5_name1 : String +export var B2L5_name2 : String +export var B2L5_form1 : String +export var B2L5_form2 : String +export var B2L5_reason : String + +export var B2L6_name1 : String +export var B2L6_name2 : String +export var B2L6_form1 : String +export var B2L6_form2 : String +export var B2L6_reason : String + +export var B2L7_name1 : String +export var B2L7_name2 : String +export var B2L7_form1 : String +export var B2L7_form2 : String +export var B2L7_reason : String + +export var B2L8_name1 : String +export var B2L8_name2 : String +export var B2L8_form1 : String +export var B2L8_form2 : String +export var B2L8_reason : String + +# C + +export var CL1_name1 : String +export var CL1_name2 : String +export var CL1_form1 : String +export var CL1_form2 : String +export var CL1_name3 : String +export var CL1_name4 : String +export var CL1_form3 : String +export var CL1_form4 : String +export var CL1_reason : String + +export var CL2_name1 : String +export var CL2_name2 : String +export var CL2_form1 : String +export var CL2_form2 : String +export var CL2_name3 : String +export var CL2_name4 : String +export var CL2_form3 : String +export var CL2_form4 : String +export var CL2_reason : String + +export var CL3_name1 : String +export var CL3_name2 : String +export var CL3_form1 : String +export var CL3_form2 : String +export var CL3_name3 : String +export var CL3_name4 : String +export var CL3_form3 : String +export var CL3_form4 : String +export var CL3_reason : String + +export var CL4_name1 : String +export var CL4_name2 : String +export var CL4_form1 : String +export var CL4_form2 : String +export var CL4_name3 : String +export var CL4_name4 : String +export var CL4_form3 : String +export var CL4_form4 : String +export var CL4_reason : String + +export var CL5_name1 : String +export var CL5_name2 : String +export var CL5_form1 : String +export var CL5_form2 : String +export var CL5_name3 : String +export var CL5_name4 : String +export var CL5_form3 : String +export var CL5_form4 : String +export var CL5_reason : String + +export var CL6_name1 : String +export var CL6_name2 : String +export var CL6_form1 : String +export var CL6_form2 : String +export var CL6_name3 : String +export var CL6_name4 : String +export var CL6_form3 : String +export var CL6_form4 : String +export var CL6_reason : String + +export var CL7_name1 : String +export var CL7_name2 : String +export var CL7_form1 : String +export var CL7_form2 : String +export var CL7_name3 : String +export var CL7_name4 : String +export var CL7_form3 : String +export var CL7_form4 : String +export var CL7_reason : String + +export var CL8_name1 : String +export var CL8_name2 : String +export var CL8_form1 : String +export var CL8_form2 : String +export var CL8_name3 : String +export var CL8_name4 : String +export var CL8_form3 : String +export var CL8_form4 : String +export var CL8_reason : String + +# D + +export var DL1_name1 : String +export var DL1_name2 : String +export var DL1_form1 : String +export var DL1_form2 : String +export var DL1_name3 : String +export var DL1_name4 : String +export var DL1_form3 : String +export var DL1_form4 : String +export var DL1_reason : String + +export var DL2_name1 : String +export var DL2_name2 : String +export var DL2_form1 : String +export var DL2_form2 : String +export var DL2_name3 : String +export var DL2_name4 : String +export var DL2_form3 : String +export var DL2_form4 : String +export var DL2_reason : String + +export var DL3_name1 : String +export var DL3_name2 : String +export var DL3_form1 : String +export var DL3_form2 : String +export var DL3_name3 : String +export var DL3_name4 : String +export var DL3_form3 : String +export var DL3_form4 : String +export var DL3_reason : String + +export var DL4_name1 : String +export var DL4_name2 : String +export var DL4_form1 : String +export var DL4_form2 : String +export var DL4_name3 : String +export var DL4_name4 : String +export var DL4_form3 : String +export var DL4_form4 : String +export var DL4_reason : String + +export var DL5_name1 : String +export var DL5_name2 : String +export var DL5_form1 : String +export var DL5_form2 : String +export var DL5_name3 : String +export var DL5_name4 : String +export var DL5_form3 : String +export var DL5_form4 : String +export var DL5_reason : String + +export var DL6_name1 : String +export var DL6_name2 : String +export var DL6_form1 : String +export var DL6_form2 : String +export var DL6_name3 : String +export var DL6_name4 : String +export var DL6_form3 : String +export var DL6_form4 : String +export var DL6_reason : String + +export var DL7_name1 : String +export var DL7_name2 : String +export var DL7_form1 : String +export var DL7_form2 : String +export var DL7_name3 : String +export var DL7_name4 : String +export var DL7_form3 : String +export var DL7_form4 : String +export var DL7_reason : String + +export var DL8_name1 : String +export var DL8_name2 : String +export var DL8_form1 : String +export var DL8_form2 : String +export var DL8_name3 : String +export var DL8_name4 : String +export var DL8_form3 : String +export var DL8_form4 : String +export var DL8_reason : String + +# E + +export var EL1_name1 : String +export var EL1_name2 : String +export var EL1_form1 : String +export var EL1_form2 : String +export var EL1_name3 : String +export var EL1_name4 : String +export var EL1_form3 : String +export var EL1_form4 : String +export var EL1_reason : String + +export var EL2_name1 : String +export var EL2_name2 : String +export var EL2_form1 : String +export var EL2_form2 : String +export var EL2_name3 : String +export var EL2_name4 : String +export var EL2_form3 : String +export var EL2_form4 : String +export var EL2_reason : String + +export var EL3_name1 : String +export var EL3_name2 : String +export var EL3_form1 : String +export var EL3_form2 : String +export var EL3_name3 : String +export var EL3_name4 : String +export var EL3_form3 : String +export var EL3_form4 : String +export var EL3_reason : String + +export var EL4_name1 : String +export var EL4_name2 : String +export var EL4_form1 : String +export var EL4_form2 : String +export var EL4_name3 : String +export var EL4_name4 : String +export var EL4_form3 : String +export var EL4_form4 : String +export var EL4_reason : String + +export var EL5_name1 : String +export var EL5_name2 : String +export var EL5_form1 : String +export var EL5_form2 : String +export var EL5_name3 : String +export var EL5_name4 : String +export var EL5_form3 : String +export var EL5_form4 : String +export var EL5_reason : String + +export var EL6_name1 : String +export var EL6_name2 : String +export var EL6_form1 : String +export var EL6_form2 : String +export var EL6_name3 : String +export var EL6_name4 : String +export var EL6_form3 : String +export var EL6_form4 : String +export var EL6_reason : String + +export var EL7_name1 : String +export var EL7_name2 : String +export var EL7_form1 : String +export var EL7_form2 : String +export var EL7_name3 : String +export var EL7_name4 : String +export var EL7_form3 : String +export var EL7_form4 : String +export var EL7_reason : String + +export var EL8_name1 : String +export var EL8_name2 : String +export var EL8_form1 : String +export var EL8_form2 : String +export var EL8_name3 : String +export var EL8_name4 : String +export var EL8_form3 : String +export var EL8_form4 : String +export var EL8_reason : String + +# F + +export var FL1_name1 : String +export var FL1_name2 : String +export var FL1_form1 : String +export var FL1_form2 : String +export var FL1_name3 : String +export var FL1_name4 : String +export var FL1_form3 : String +export var FL1_form4 : String +export var FL1_reason : String + +export var FL2_name1 : String +export var FL2_name2 : String +export var FL2_form1 : String +export var FL2_form2 : String +export var FL2_name3 : String +export var FL2_name4 : String +export var FL2_form3 : String +export var FL2_form4 : String +export var FL2_reason : String + +export var FL3_name1 : String +export var FL3_name2 : String +export var FL3_form1 : String +export var FL3_form2 : String +export var FL3_name3 : String +export var FL3_name4 : String +export var FL3_form3 : String +export var FL3_form4 : String +export var FL3_reason : String + +export var FL4_name1 : String +export var FL4_name2 : String +export var FL4_form1 : String +export var FL4_form2 : String +export var FL4_name3 : String +export var FL4_name4 : String +export var FL4_form3 : String +export var FL4_form4 : String +export var FL4_reason : String + +export var FL5_name1 : String +export var FL5_name2 : String +export var FL5_form1 : String +export var FL5_form2 : String +export var FL5_name3 : String +export var FL5_name4 : String +export var FL5_form3 : String +export var FL5_form4 : String +export var FL5_reason : String + +export var FL6_name1 : String +export var FL6_name2 : String +export var FL6_form1 : String +export var FL6_form2 : String +export var FL6_name3 : String +export var FL6_name4 : String +export var FL6_form3 : String +export var FL6_form4 : String +export var FL6_reason : String + +export var FL7_name1 : String +export var FL7_name2 : String +export var FL7_form1 : String +export var FL7_form2 : String +export var FL7_name3 : String +export var FL7_name4 : String +export var FL7_form3 : String +export var FL7_form4 : String +export var FL7_reason : String + +export var FL8_name1 : String +export var FL8_name2 : String +export var FL8_form1 : String +export var FL8_form2 : String +export var FL8_name3 : String +export var FL8_name4 : String +export var FL8_form3 : String +export var FL8_form4 : String +export var FL8_reason : String + +# G + +export var GL1_name1 : String +export var GL1_name2 : String +export var GL1_form1 : String +export var GL1_form2 : String +export var GL1_name3 : String +export var GL1_name4 : String +export var GL1_form3 : String +export var GL1_form4 : String +export var GL1_reason : String + +export var GL2_name1 : String +export var GL2_name2 : String +export var GL2_form1 : String +export var GL2_form2 : String +export var GL2_name3 : String +export var GL2_name4 : String +export var GL2_form3 : String +export var GL2_form4 : String +export var GL2_reason : String + +export var GL3_name1 : String +export var GL3_name2 : String +export var GL3_form1 : String +export var GL3_form2 : String +export var GL3_name3 : String +export var GL3_name4 : String +export var GL3_form3 : String +export var GL3_form4 : String +export var GL3_reason : String + +export var GL4_name1 : String +export var GL4_name2 : String +export var GL4_form1 : String +export var GL4_form2 : String +export var GL4_name3 : String +export var GL4_name4 : String +export var GL4_form3 : String +export var GL4_form4 : String +export var GL4_reason : String + +export var GL5_name1 : String +export var GL5_name2 : String +export var GL5_form1 : String +export var GL5_form2 : String +export var GL5_name3 : String +export var GL5_name4 : String +export var GL5_form3 : String +export var GL5_form4 : String +export var GL5_reason : String + +export var GL6_name1 : String +export var GL6_name2 : String +export var GL6_form1 : String +export var GL6_form2 : String +export var GL6_name3 : String +export var GL6_name4 : String +export var GL6_form3 : String +export var GL6_form4 : String +export var GL6_reason : String + +export var GL7_name1 : String +export var GL7_name2 : String +export var GL7_form1 : String +export var GL7_form2 : String +export var GL7_name3 : String +export var GL7_name4 : String +export var GL7_form3 : String +export var GL7_form4 : String +export var GL7_reason : String + +export var GL8_name1 : String +export var GL8_name2 : String +export var GL8_form1 : String +export var GL8_form2 : String +export var GL8_name3 : String +export var GL8_name4 : String +export var GL8_form3 : String +export var GL8_form4 : String +export var GL8_reason : String + +func read_values(): + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L1": + name1.text = A1L1_name1 + name2.text = A1L1_name2 + form1.text = A1L1_form1 + form2.text = A1L1_form2 + reason.text = A1L1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L2": + name1.text = A1L2_name1 + name2.text = A1L2_name2 + form1.text = A1L2_form1 + form2.text = A1L2_form2 + reason.text = A1L2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L3": + name1.text = A1L3_name1 + name2.text = A1L3_name2 + form1.text = A1L3_form1 + form2.text = A1L3_form2 + reason.text = A1L3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L4": + name1.text = A1L4_name1 + name2.text = A1L4_name2 + form1.text = A1L4_form1 + form2.text = A1L4_form2 + reason.text = A1L4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L5": + name1.text = A1L5_name1 + name2.text = A1L5_name2 + form1.text = A1L5_form1 + form2.text = A1L5_form2 + reason.text = A1L5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L6": + name1.text = A1L6_name1 + name2.text = A1L6_name2 + form1.text = A1L6_form1 + form2.text = A1L6_form2 + reason.text = A1L6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L7": + name1.text = A1L7_name1 + name2.text = A1L7_name2 + form1.text = A1L7_form1 + form2.text = A1L7_form2 + reason.text = A1L7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L8": + name1.text = A1L8_name1 + name2.text = A1L8_name2 + form1.text = A1L8_form1 + form2.text = A1L8_form2 + reason.text = A1L8_reason + +# A2 + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L1": + name1.text = A2L1_name1 + name2.text = A2L1_name2 + form1.text = A2L1_form1 + form2.text = A2L1_form2 + reason.text = A2L1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L2": + name1.text = A2L2_name1 + name2.text = A2L2_name2 + form1.text = A2L2_form1 + form2.text = A2L2_form2 + reason.text = A2L2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L3": + name1.text = A2L3_name1 + name2.text = A2L3_name2 + form1.text = A2L3_form1 + form2.text = A2L3_form2 + reason.text = A2L3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L4": + name1.text = A2L4_name1 + name2.text = A2L4_name2 + form1.text = A2L4_form1 + form2.text = A2L4_form2 + reason.text = A2L4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L5": + name1.text = A2L5_name1 + name2.text = A2L5_name2 + form1.text = A2L5_form1 + form2.text = A2L5_form2 + reason.text = A2L5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L6": + name1.text = A2L6_name1 + name2.text = A2L6_name2 + form1.text = A2L6_form1 + form2.text = A2L6_form2 + reason.text = A2L6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L7": + name1.text = A2L7_name1 + name2.text = A2L7_name2 + form1.text = A2L7_form1 + form2.text = A2L7_form2 + reason.text = A2L7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L8": + name1.text = A2L8_name1 + name2.text = A2L8_name2 + form1.text = A2L8_form1 + form2.text = A2L8_form2 + reason.text = A2L8_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L1": + name1.text = B1L1_name1 + name2.text = B1L1_name2 + form1.text = B1L1_form1 + form2.text = B1L1_form2 + reason.text = B1L1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L2": + name1.text = B1L2_name1 + name2.text = B1L2_name2 + form1.text = B1L2_form1 + form2.text = B1L2_form2 + reason.text = B1L2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L3": + name1.text = B1L3_name1 + name2.text = B1L3_name2 + form1.text = B1L3_form1 + form2.text = B1L3_form2 + reason.text = B1L3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L4": + name1.text = B1L4_name1 + name2.text = B1L4_name2 + form1.text = B1L4_form1 + form2.text = B1L4_form2 + reason.text = B1L4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L5": + name1.text = B1L5_name1 + name2.text = B1L5_name2 + form1.text = B1L5_form1 + form2.text = B1L5_form2 + reason.text = B1L5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L6": + name1.text = B1L6_name1 + name2.text = B1L6_name2 + form1.text = B1L6_form1 + form2.text = B1L6_form2 + reason.text = B1L6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L7": + name1.text = B1L7_name1 + name2.text = B1L7_name2 + form1.text = B1L7_form1 + form2.text = B1L7_form2 + reason.text = B1L7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L8": + name1.text = B1L8_name1 + name2.text = B1L8_name2 + form1.text = B1L8_form1 + form2.text = B1L8_form2 + reason.text = B1L8_reason + +# B2 + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L1": + name1.text = B2L1_name1 + name2.text = B2L1_name2 + form1.text = B2L1_form1 + form2.text = B2L1_form2 + reason.text = B2L1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L2": + name1.text = B2L2_name1 + name2.text = B2L2_name2 + form1.text = B2L2_form1 + form2.text = B2L2_form2 + reason.text = B2L2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L3": + name1.text = B2L3_name1 + name2.text = B2L3_name2 + form1.text = B2L3_form1 + form2.text = B2L3_form2 + reason.text = B2L3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L4": + name1.text = B2L4_name1 + name2.text = B2L4_name2 + form1.text = B2L4_form1 + form2.text = B2L4_form2 + reason.text = B2L4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L5": + name1.text = B2L5_name1 + name2.text = B2L5_name2 + form1.text = B2L5_form1 + form2.text = B2L5_form2 + reason.text = B2L5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L6": + name1.text = B2L6_name1 + name2.text = B2L6_name2 + form1.text = B2L6_form1 + form2.text = B2L6_form2 + reason.text = B2L6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L7": + name1.text = B2L7_name1 + name2.text = B2L7_name2 + form1.text = B2L7_form1 + form2.text = B2L7_form2 + reason.text = B2L7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L8": + name1.text = B2L8_name1 + name2.text = B2L8_name2 + form1.text = B2L8_form1 + form2.text = B2L8_form2 + reason.text = B2L8_reason + +# C + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL1": + name1.text = CL1_name1 + name2.text = CL1_name2 + form1.text = CL1_form1 + form2.text = CL1_form2 + name3.text = CL1_name3 + name4.text = CL1_name4 + form3.text = CL1_form3 + form4.text = CL1_form4 + reason.text = CL1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL2": + name1.text = CL2_name1 + name2.text = CL2_name2 + form1.text = CL2_form1 + form2.text = CL2_form2 + name3.text = CL2_name3 + name4.text = CL2_name4 + form3.text = CL2_form3 + form4.text = CL2_form4 + reason.text = CL2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL3": + name1.text = CL3_name1 + name2.text = CL3_name2 + form1.text = CL3_form1 + form2.text = CL3_form2 + name3.text = CL3_name3 + name4.text = CL3_name4 + form3.text = CL3_form3 + form4.text = CL3_form4 + reason.text = CL3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL4": + name1.text = CL4_name1 + name2.text = CL4_name2 + form1.text = CL4_form1 + form2.text = CL4_form2 + name3.text = CL4_name3 + name4.text = CL4_name4 + form3.text = CL4_form3 + form4.text = CL4_form4 + reason.text = CL4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL5": + name1.text = CL5_name1 + name2.text = CL5_name2 + form1.text = CL5_form1 + form2.text = CL5_form2 + name3.text = CL5_name3 + name4.text = CL5_name4 + form3.text = CL5_form3 + form4.text = CL5_form4 + reason.text = CL5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL6": + name1.text = CL6_name1 + name2.text = CL6_name2 + form1.text = CL6_form1 + form2.text = CL6_form2 + name3.text = CL6_name3 + name4.text = CL6_name4 + form3.text = CL6_form3 + form4.text = CL6_form4 + reason.text = CL6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL7": + name1.text = CL7_name1 + name2.text = CL7_name2 + form1.text = CL7_form1 + form2.text = CL7_form2 + name3.text = CL7_name3 + name4.text = CL7_name4 + form3.text = CL7_form3 + form4.text = CL7_form4 + reason.text = CL7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL8": + name1.text = CL8_name1 + name2.text = CL8_name2 + form1.text = CL8_form1 + form2.text = CL8_form2 + name3.text = CL8_name3 + name4.text = CL8_name4 + form3.text = CL8_form3 + form4.text = CL8_form4 + reason.text = CL8_reason + +# D + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL1": + name1.text = DL1_name1 + name2.text = DL1_name2 + form1.text = DL1_form1 + form2.text = DL1_form2 + name3.text = DL1_name3 + name4.text = DL1_name4 + form3.text = DL1_form3 + form4.text = DL1_form4 + reason.text = DL1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL2": + name1.text = DL2_name1 + name2.text = DL2_name2 + form1.text = DL2_form1 + form2.text = DL2_form2 + name3.text = DL2_name3 + name4.text = DL2_name4 + form3.text = DL2_form3 + form4.text = DL2_form4 + reason.text = DL2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL3": + name1.text = DL3_name1 + name2.text = DL3_name2 + form1.text = DL3_form1 + form2.text = DL3_form2 + name3.text = DL3_name3 + name4.text = DL3_name4 + form3.text = DL3_form3 + form4.text = DL3_form4 + reason.text = DL3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL4": + name1.text = DL4_name1 + name2.text = DL4_name2 + form1.text = DL4_form1 + form2.text = DL4_form2 + name3.text = DL4_name3 + name4.text = DL4_name4 + form3.text = DL4_form3 + form4.text = DL4_form4 + reason.text = DL4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL5": + name1.text = DL5_name1 + name2.text = DL5_name2 + form1.text = DL5_form1 + form2.text = DL5_form2 + name3.text = DL5_name3 + name4.text = DL5_name4 + form3.text = DL5_form3 + form4.text = DL5_form4 + reason.text = DL5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL6": + name1.text = DL6_name1 + name2.text = DL6_name2 + form1.text = DL6_form1 + form2.text = DL6_form2 + name3.text = DL6_name3 + name4.text = DL6_name4 + form3.text = DL6_form3 + form4.text = DL6_form4 + reason.text = DL6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL7": + name1.text = DL7_name1 + name2.text = DL7_name2 + form1.text = DL7_form1 + form2.text = DL7_form2 + name3.text = DL7_name3 + name4.text = DL7_name4 + form3.text = DL7_form3 + form4.text = DL7_form4 + reason.text = DL7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL8": + name1.text = DL8_name1 + name2.text = DL8_name2 + form1.text = DL8_form1 + form2.text = DL8_form2 + name3.text = DL8_name3 + name4.text = DL8_name4 + form3.text = DL8_form3 + form4.text = DL8_form4 + reason.text = DL8_reason + +# E + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL1": + name1.text = EL1_name1 + name2.text = EL1_name2 + form1.text = EL1_form1 + form2.text = EL1_form2 + name3.text = EL1_name3 + name4.text = EL1_name4 + form3.text = EL1_form3 + form4.text = EL1_form4 + reason.text = EL1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL2": + name1.text = EL2_name1 + name2.text = EL2_name2 + form1.text = EL2_form1 + form2.text = EL2_form2 + name3.text = EL2_name3 + name4.text = EL2_name4 + form3.text = EL2_form3 + form4.text = EL2_form4 + reason.text = EL2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL3": + name1.text = EL3_name1 + name2.text = EL3_name2 + form1.text = EL3_form1 + form2.text = EL3_form2 + name3.text = EL3_name3 + name4.text = EL3_name4 + form3.text = EL3_form3 + form4.text = EL3_form4 + reason.text = EL3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL4": + name1.text = EL4_name1 + name2.text = EL4_name2 + form1.text = EL4_form1 + form2.text = EL4_form2 + name3.text = EL4_name3 + name4.text = EL4_name4 + form3.text = EL4_form3 + form4.text = EL4_form4 + reason.text = EL4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL5": + name1.text = EL5_name1 + name2.text = EL5_name2 + form1.text = EL5_form1 + form2.text = EL5_form2 + name3.text = EL5_name3 + name4.text = EL5_name4 + form3.text = EL5_form3 + form4.text = EL5_form4 + reason.text = EL5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL6": + name1.text = EL6_name1 + name2.text = EL6_name2 + form1.text = EL6_form1 + form2.text = EL6_form2 + name3.text = EL6_name3 + name4.text = EL6_name4 + form3.text = EL6_form3 + form4.text = EL6_form4 + reason.text = EL6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL7": + name1.text = EL7_name1 + name2.text = EL7_name2 + form1.text = EL7_form1 + form2.text = EL7_form2 + name3.text = EL7_name3 + name4.text = EL7_name4 + form3.text = EL7_form3 + form4.text = EL7_form4 + reason.text = EL7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL8": + name1.text = EL8_name1 + name2.text = EL8_name2 + form1.text = EL8_form1 + form2.text = EL8_form2 + name3.text = EL8_name3 + name4.text = EL8_name4 + form3.text = EL8_form3 + form4.text = EL8_form4 + reason.text = EL8_reason + +# F + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL1": + name1.text = FL1_name1 + name2.text = FL1_name2 + form1.text = FL1_form1 + form2.text = FL1_form2 + name3.text = FL1_name3 + name4.text = FL1_name4 + form3.text = FL1_form3 + form4.text = FL1_form4 + reason.text = FL1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL2": + name1.text = FL2_name1 + name2.text = FL2_name2 + form1.text = FL2_form1 + form2.text = FL2_form2 + name3.text = FL2_name3 + name4.text = FL2_name4 + form3.text = FL2_form3 + form4.text = FL2_form4 + reason.text = FL2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL3": + name1.text = FL3_name1 + name2.text = FL3_name2 + form1.text = FL3_form1 + form2.text = FL3_form2 + name3.text = FL3_name3 + name4.text = FL3_name4 + form3.text = FL3_form3 + form4.text = FL3_form4 + reason.text = FL3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL4": + name1.text = FL4_name1 + name2.text = FL4_name2 + form1.text = FL4_form1 + form2.text = FL4_form2 + name3.text = FL4_name3 + name4.text = FL4_name4 + form3.text = FL4_form3 + form4.text = FL4_form4 + reason.text = FL4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL5": + name1.text = FL5_name1 + name2.text = FL5_name2 + form1.text = FL5_form1 + form2.text = FL5_form2 + name3.text = FL5_name3 + name4.text = FL5_name4 + form3.text = FL5_form3 + form4.text = FL5_form4 + reason.text = FL5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL6": + name1.text = FL6_name1 + name2.text = FL6_name2 + form1.text = FL6_form1 + form2.text = FL6_form2 + name3.text = FL6_name3 + name4.text = FL6_name4 + form3.text = FL6_form3 + form4.text = FL6_form4 + reason.text = FL6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL7": + name1.text = FL7_name1 + name2.text = FL7_name2 + form1.text = FL7_form1 + form2.text = FL7_form2 + name3.text = FL7_name3 + name4.text = FL7_name4 + form3.text = FL7_form3 + form4.text = FL7_form4 + reason.text = FL7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL8": + name1.text = FL8_name1 + name2.text = FL8_name2 + form1.text = FL8_form1 + form2.text = FL8_form2 + name3.text = FL8_name3 + name4.text = FL8_name4 + form3.text = FL8_form3 + form4.text = FL8_form4 + reason.text = FL8_reason + +# G + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL1": + name1.text = GL1_name1 + name2.text = GL1_name2 + form1.text = GL1_form1 + form2.text = GL1_form2 + name3.text = GL1_name3 + name4.text = GL1_name4 + form3.text = GL1_form3 + form4.text = GL1_form4 + reason.text = GL1_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL2": + name1.text = GL2_name1 + name2.text = GL2_name2 + form1.text = GL2_form1 + form2.text = GL2_form2 + name3.text = GL2_name3 + name4.text = GL2_name4 + form3.text = GL2_form3 + form4.text = GL2_form4 + reason.text = GL2_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL3": + name1.text = GL3_name1 + name2.text = GL3_name2 + form1.text = GL3_form1 + form2.text = GL3_form2 + name3.text = GL3_name3 + name4.text = GL3_name4 + form3.text = GL3_form3 + form4.text = GL3_form4 + reason.text = GL3_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL4": + name1.text = GL4_name1 + name2.text = GL4_name2 + form1.text = GL4_form1 + form2.text = GL4_form2 + name3.text = GL4_name3 + name4.text = GL4_name4 + form3.text = GL4_form3 + form4.text = GL4_form4 + reason.text = GL4_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL5": + name1.text = GL5_name1 + name2.text = GL5_name2 + form1.text = GL5_form1 + form2.text = GL5_form2 + name3.text = GL5_name3 + name4.text = GL5_name4 + form3.text = GL5_form3 + form4.text = GL5_form4 + reason.text = GL5_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL6": + name1.text = GL6_name1 + name2.text = GL6_name2 + form1.text = GL6_form1 + form2.text = GL6_form2 + name3.text = GL6_name3 + name4.text = GL6_name4 + form3.text = GL6_form3 + form4.text = GL6_form4 + reason.text = GL6_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL7": + name1.text = GL7_name1 + name2.text = GL7_name2 + form1.text = GL7_form1 + form2.text = GL7_form2 + name3.text = GL7_name3 + name4.text = GL7_name4 + form3.text = GL7_form3 + form4.text = GL7_form4 + reason.text = GL7_reason + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL8": + name1.text = GL8_name1 + name2.text = GL8_name2 + form1.text = GL8_form1 + form2.text = GL8_form2 + name3.text = GL8_name3 + name4.text = GL8_name4 + form3.text = GL8_form3 + form4.text = GL8_form4 + reason.text = GL8_reason + +func set_values(): + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L1": + A1L1_name1 = name1.text + A1L1_name2 = name2.text + A1L1_form1 = form1.text + A1L1_form2 = form2.text + A1L1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L2": + A1L2_name1 = name1.text + A1L2_name2 = name2.text + A1L2_form1 = form1.text + A1L2_form2 = form2.text + A1L2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L3": + A1L3_name1 = name1.text + A1L3_name2 = name2.text + A1L3_form1 = form1.text + A1L3_form2 = form2.text + A1L3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L4": + A1L4_name1 = name1.text + A1L4_name2 = name2.text + A1L4_form1 = form1.text + A1L4_form2 = form2.text + A1L4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L5": + A1L5_name1 = name1.text + A1L5_name2 = name2.text + A1L5_form1 = form1.text + A1L5_form2 = form2.text + A1L5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L6": + A1L6_name1 = name1.text + A1L6_name2 = name2.text + A1L6_form1 = form1.text + A1L6_form2 = form2.text + A1L6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L7": + A1L7_name1 = name1.text + A1L7_name2 = name2.text + A1L7_form1 = form1.text + A1L7_form2 = form2.text + A1L7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A1L8": + A1L8_name1 = name1.text + A1L8_name2 = name2.text + A1L8_form1 = form1.text + A1L8_form2 = form2.text + A1L8_reason = reason.text + +# A2 + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L1": + A2L1_name1 = name1.text + A2L1_name2 = name2.text + A2L1_form1 = form1.text + A2L1_form2 = form2.text + A2L1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L2": + A2L2_name1 = name1.text + A2L2_name2 = name2.text + A2L2_form1 = form1.text + A2L2_form2 = form2.text + A2L2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L3": + A2L3_name1 = name1.text + A2L3_name2 = name2.text + A2L3_form1 = form1.text + A2L3_form2 = form2.text + A2L3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L4": + A2L4_name1 = name1.text + A2L4_name2 = name2.text + A2L4_form1 = form1.text + A2L4_form2 = form2.text + A2L4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L5": + A2L5_name1 = name1.text + A2L5_name2 = name2.text + A2L5_form1 = form1.text + A2L5_form2 = form2.text + A2L5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L6": + A2L6_name1 = name1.text + A2L6_name2 = name2.text + A2L6_form1 = form1.text + A2L6_form2 = form2.text + A2L6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L7": + A2L7_name1 = name1.text + A2L7_name2 = name2.text + A2L7_form1 = form1.text + A2L7_form2 = form2.text + A2L7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "A2L8": + A2L8_name1 = name1.text + A2L8_name2 = name2.text + A2L8_form1 = form1.text + A2L8_form2 = form2.text + A2L8_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L1": + B1L1_name1 = name1.text + B1L1_name2 = name2.text + B1L1_form1 = form1.text + B1L1_form2 = form2.text + B1L1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L2": + B1L2_name1 = name1.text + B1L2_name2 = name2.text + B1L2_form1 = form1.text + B1L2_form2 = form2.text + B1L2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L3": + B1L3_name1 = name1.text + B1L3_name2 = name2.text + B1L3_form1 = form1.text + B1L3_form2 = form2.text + B1L3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L4": + B1L4_name1 = name1.text + B1L4_name2 = name2.text + B1L4_form1 = form1.text + B1L4_form2 = form2.text + B1L4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L5": + B1L5_name1 = name1.text + B1L5_name2 = name2.text + B1L5_form1 = form1.text + B1L5_form2 = form2.text + B1L5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L6": + B1L6_name1 = name1.text + B1L6_name2 = name2.text + B1L6_form1 = form1.text + B1L6_form2 = form2.text + B1L6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L7": + B1L7_name1 = name1.text + B1L7_name2 = name2.text + B1L7_form1 = form1.text + B1L7_form2 = form2.text + B1L7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B1L8": + B1L8_name1 = name1.text + B1L8_name2 = name2.text + B1L8_form1 = form1.text + B1L8_form2 = form2.text + B1L8_reason = reason.text + +# B2 + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L1": + B2L1_name1 = name1.text + B2L1_name2 = name2.text + B2L1_form1 = form1.text + B2L1_form2 = form2.text + B2L1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L2": + B2L2_name1 = name1.text + B2L2_name2 = name2.text + B2L2_form1 = form1.text + B2L2_form2 = form2.text + B2L2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L3": + B2L3_name1 = name1.text + B2L3_name2 = name2.text + B2L3_form1 = form1.text + B2L3_form2 = form2.text + B2L3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L4": + B2L4_name1 = name1.text + B2L4_name2 = name2.text + B2L4_form1 = form1.text + B2L4_form2 = form2.text + B2L4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L5": + B2L5_name1 = name1.text + B2L5_name2 = name2.text + B2L5_form1 = form1.text + B2L5_form2 = form2.text + B2L5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L6": + B2L6_name1 = name1.text + B2L6_name2 = name2.text + B2L6_form1 = form1.text + B2L6_form2 = form2.text + B2L6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L7": + B2L7_name1 = name1.text + B2L7_name2 = name2.text + B2L7_form1 = form1.text + B2L7_form2 = form2.text + B2L7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "B2L8": + B2L8_name1 = name1.text + B2L8_name2 = name2.text + B2L8_form1 = form1.text + B2L8_form2 = form2.text + B2L8_reason = reason.text + +# C + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL1": + CL1_name1 = name1.text + CL1_name2 = name2.text + CL1_form1 = form1.text + CL1_form2 = form2.text + CL1_name3 = name3.text + CL1_name4 = name4.text + CL1_form3 = form3.text + CL1_form4 = form4.text + CL1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL2": + CL2_name1 = name1.text + CL2_name2 = name2.text + CL2_form1 = form1.text + CL2_form2 = form2.text + CL2_name3 = name3.text + CL2_name4 = name4.text + CL2_form3 = form3.text + CL2_form4 = form4.text + CL2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL3": + CL3_name1 = name1.text + CL3_name2 = name2.text + CL3_form1 = form1.text + CL3_form2 = form2.text + CL3_name3 = name3.text + CL3_name4 = name4.text + CL3_form3 = form3.text + CL3_form4 = form4.text + CL3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL4": + CL4_name1 = name1.text + CL4_name2 = name2.text + CL4_form1 = form1.text + CL4_form2 = form2.text + CL4_name3 = name3.text + CL4_name4 = name4.text + CL4_form3 = form3.text + CL4_form4 = form4.text + CL4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL5": + CL5_name1 = name1.text + CL5_name2 = name2.text + CL5_form1 = form1.text + CL5_form2 = form2.text + CL5_name3 = name3.text + CL5_name4 = name4.text + CL5_form3 = form3.text + CL5_form4 = form4.text + CL5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL6": + CL6_name1 = name1.text + CL6_name2 = name2.text + CL6_form1 = form1.text + CL6_form2 = form2.text + CL6_name3 = name3.text + CL6_name4 = name4.text + CL6_form3 = form3.text + CL6_form4 = form4.text + CL6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL7": + CL7_name1 = name1.text + CL7_name2 = name2.text + CL7_form1 = form1.text + CL7_form2 = form2.text + CL7_name3 = name3.text + CL7_name4 = name4.text + CL7_form3 = form3.text + CL7_form4 = form4.text + CL7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "CL8": + CL8_name1 = name1.text + CL8_name2 = name2.text + CL8_form1 = form1.text + CL8_form2 = form2.text + CL8_name3 = name3.text + CL8_name4 = name4.text + CL8_form3 = form3.text + CL8_form4 = form4.text + CL8_reason = reason.text + +# D + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL1": + DL1_name1 = name1.text + DL1_name2 = name2.text + DL1_form1 = form1.text + DL1_form2 = form2.text + DL1_name3 = name3.text + DL1_name4 = name4.text + DL1_form3 = form3.text + DL1_form4 = form4.text + DL1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL2": + DL2_name1 = name1.text + DL2_name2 = name2.text + DL2_form1 = form1.text + DL2_form2 = form2.text + DL2_name3 = name3.text + DL2_name4 = name4.text + DL2_form3 = form3.text + DL2_form4 = form4.text + DL2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL3": + DL3_name1 = name1.text + DL3_name2 = name2.text + DL3_form1 = form1.text + DL3_form2 = form2.text + DL3_name3 = name3.text + DL3_name4 = name4.text + DL3_form3 = form3.text + DL3_form4 = form4.text + DL3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL4": + DL4_name1 = name1.text + DL4_name2 = name2.text + DL4_form1 = form1.text + DL4_form2 = form2.text + DL4_name3 = name3.text + DL4_name4 = name4.text + DL4_form3 = form3.text + DL4_form4 = form4.text + DL4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL5": + DL5_name1 = name1.text + DL5_name2 = name2.text + DL5_form1 = form1.text + DL5_form2 = form2.text + DL5_name3 = name3.text + DL5_name4 = name4.text + DL5_form3 = form3.text + DL5_form4 = form4.text + DL5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL6": + DL6_name1 = name1.text + DL6_name2 = name2.text + DL6_form1 = form1.text + DL6_form2 = form2.text + DL6_name3 = name3.text + DL6_name4 = name4.text + DL6_form3 = form3.text + DL6_form4 = form4.text + DL6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL7": + DL7_name1 = name1.text + DL7_name2 = name2.text + DL7_form1 = form1.text + DL7_form2 = form2.text + DL7_name3 = name3.text + DL7_name4 = name4.text + DL7_form3 = form3.text + DL7_form4 = form4.text + DL7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "DL8": + DL8_name1 = name1.text + DL8_name2 = name2.text + DL8_form1 = form1.text + DL8_form2 = form2.text + DL8_name3 = name3.text + DL8_name4 = name4.text + DL8_form3 = form3.text + DL8_form4 = form4.text + DL8_reason = reason.text + +# E + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL1": + EL1_name1 = name1.text + EL1_name2 = name2.text + EL1_form1 = form1.text + EL1_form2 = form2.text + EL1_name3 = name3.text + EL1_name4 = name4.text + EL1_form3 = form3.text + EL1_form4 = form4.text + EL1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL2": + EL2_name1 = name1.text + EL2_name2 = name2.text + EL2_form1 = form1.text + EL2_form2 = form2.text + EL2_name3 = name3.text + EL2_name4 = name4.text + EL2_form3 = form3.text + EL2_form4 = form4.text + EL2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL3": + EL3_name1 = name1.text + EL3_name2 = name2.text + EL3_form1 = form1.text + EL3_form2 = form2.text + EL3_name3 = name3.text + EL3_name4 = name4.text + EL3_form3 = form3.text + EL3_form4 = form4.text + EL3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL4": + EL4_name1 = name1.text + EL4_name2 = name2.text + EL4_form1 = form1.text + EL4_form2 = form2.text + EL4_name3 = name3.text + EL4_name4 = name4.text + EL4_form3 = form3.text + EL4_form4 = form4.text + EL4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL5": + EL5_name1 = name1.text + EL5_name2 = name2.text + EL5_form1 = form1.text + EL5_form2 = form2.text + EL5_name3 = name3.text + EL5_name4 = name4.text + EL5_form3 = form3.text + EL5_form4 = form4.text + EL5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL6": + EL6_name1 = name1.text + EL6_name2 = name2.text + EL6_form1 = form1.text + EL6_form2 = form2.text + EL6_name3 = name3.text + EL6_name4 = name4.text + EL6_form3 = form3.text + EL6_form4 = form4.text + EL6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL7": + EL7_name1 = name1.text + EL7_name2 = name2.text + EL7_form1 = form1.text + EL7_form2 = form2.text + EL7_name3 = name3.text + EL7_name4 = name4.text + EL7_form3 = form3.text + EL7_form4 = form4.text + EL7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "EL8": + EL8_name1 = name1.text + EL8_name2 = name2.text + EL8_form1 = form1.text + EL8_form2 = form2.text + EL8_name3 = name3.text + EL8_name4 = name4.text + EL8_form3 = form3.text + EL8_form4 = form4.text + EL8_reason = reason.text + +# F + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL1": + FL1_name1 = name1.text + FL1_name2 = name2.text + FL1_form1 = form1.text + FL1_form2 = form2.text + FL1_name3 = name3.text + FL1_name4 = name4.text + FL1_form3 = form3.text + FL1_form4 = form4.text + FL1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL2": + FL2_name1 = name1.text + FL2_name2 = name2.text + FL2_form1 = form1.text + FL2_form2 = form2.text + FL2_name3 = name3.text + FL2_name4 = name4.text + FL2_form3 = form3.text + FL2_form4 = form4.text + FL2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL3": + FL3_name1 = name1.text + FL3_name2 = name2.text + FL3_form1 = form1.text + FL3_form2 = form2.text + FL3_name3 = name3.text + FL3_name4 = name4.text + FL3_form3 = form3.text + FL3_form4 = form4.text + FL3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL4": + FL4_name1 = name1.text + FL4_name2 = name2.text + FL4_form1 = form1.text + FL4_form2 = form2.text + FL4_name3 = name3.text + FL4_name4 = name4.text + FL4_form3 = form3.text + FL4_form4 = form4.text + FL4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL5": + FL5_name1 = name1.text + FL5_name2 = name2.text + FL5_form1 = form1.text + FL5_form2 = form2.text + FL5_name3 = name3.text + FL5_name4 = name4.text + FL5_form3 = form3.text + FL5_form4 = form4.text + FL5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL6": + FL6_name1 = name1.text + FL6_name2 = name2.text + FL6_form1 = form1.text + FL6_form2 = form2.text + FL6_name3 = name3.text + FL6_name4 = name4.text + FL6_form3 = form3.text + FL6_form4 = form4.text + FL6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL7": + FL7_name1 = name1.text + FL7_name2 = name2.text + FL7_form1 = form1.text + FL7_form2 = form2.text + FL7_name3 = name3.text + FL7_name4 = name4.text + FL7_form3 = form3.text + FL7_form4 = form4.text + FL7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "FL8": + FL8_name1 = name1.text + FL8_name2 = name2.text + FL8_form1 = form1.text + FL8_form2 = form2.text + FL8_name3 = name3.text + FL8_name4 = name4.text + FL8_form3 = form3.text + FL8_form4 = form4.text + FL8_reason = reason.text + +# G + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL1": + GL1_name1 = name1.text + GL1_name2 = name2.text + GL1_form1 = form1.text + GL1_form2 = form2.text + GL1_name3 = name3.text + GL1_name4 = name4.text + GL1_form3 = form3.text + GL1_form4 = form4.text + GL1_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL2": + GL2_name1 = name1.text + GL2_name2 = name2.text + GL2_form1 = form1.text + GL2_form2 = form2.text + GL2_name3 = name3.text + GL2_name4 = name4.text + GL2_form3 = form3.text + GL2_form4 = form4.text + GL2_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL3": + GL3_name1 = name1.text + GL3_name2 = name2.text + GL3_form1 = form1.text + GL3_form2 = form2.text + GL3_name3 = name3.text + GL3_name4 = name4.text + GL3_form3 = form3.text + GL3_form4 = form4.text + GL3_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL4": + GL4_name1 = name1.text + GL4_name2 = name2.text + GL4_form1 = form1.text + GL4_form2 = form2.text + GL4_name3 = name3.text + GL4_name4 = name4.text + GL4_form3 = form3.text + GL4_form4 = form4.text + GL4_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL5": + GL5_name1 = name1.text + GL5_name2 = name2.text + GL5_form1 = form1.text + GL5_form2 = form2.text + GL5_name3 = name3.text + GL5_name4 = name4.text + GL5_form3 = form3.text + GL5_form4 = form4.text + GL5_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL6": + GL6_name1 = name1.text + GL6_name2 = name2.text + GL6_form1 = form1.text + GL6_form2 = form2.text + GL6_name3 = name3.text + GL6_name4 = name4.text + GL6_form3 = form3.text + GL6_form4 = form4.text + GL6_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL7": + GL7_name1 = name1.text + GL7_name2 = name2.text + GL7_form1 = form1.text + GL7_form2 = form2.text + GL7_name3 = name3.text + GL7_name4 = name4.text + GL7_form3 = form3.text + GL7_form4 = form4.text + GL7_reason = reason.text + + if important_vars.current_pod == "GL8": + GL8_name1 = name1.text + GL8_name2 = name2.text + GL8_form1 = form1.text + GL8_form2 = form2.text + GL8_name3 = name3.text + GL8_name4 = name4.text + GL8_form3 = form3.text + GL8_form4 = form4.text + GL8_reason = reason.text diff --git a/podbooker/assets/logo.icns b/podbooker/assets/logo.icns new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f63d3e Binary files /dev/null and b/podbooker/assets/logo.icns differ diff --git a/podbooker/assets/logo.png b/podbooker/assets/logo.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3fce2f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/podbooker/assets/logo.png differ diff --git a/podbooker/assets/logo.png.import b/podbooker/assets/logo.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7beac96 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/assets/logo.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="StreamTexture" +path="res://.import/logo.png-e2220799298e3631eb0e245316e0501a.stex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://assets/logo.png" +dest_files=[ "res://.import/logo.png-e2220799298e3631eb0e245316e0501a.stex" ] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_mode=0 +compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/normal_map=0 +flags/repeat=0 +flags/filter=true +flags/mipmaps=false +flags/anisotropic=false +flags/srgb=2 +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/HDR_as_SRGB=false +process/invert_color=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +stream=false +size_limit=0 +detect_3d=true +svg/scale=1.0 diff --git a/podbooker/assets/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png b/podbooker/assets/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8255310 Binary files /dev/null and b/podbooker/assets/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png differ diff --git a/podbooker/assets/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png.import b/podbooker/assets/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46f43d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/assets/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="StreamTexture" +path="res://.import/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png-32d9b297bbaa83d2ddd483e2810ca9ce.stex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://assets/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png" +dest_files=[ "res://.import/noun-grand-central-terminal-2828893.png-32d9b297bbaa83d2ddd483e2810ca9ce.stex" ] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_mode=0 +compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/normal_map=0 +flags/repeat=0 +flags/filter=true +flags/mipmaps=false +flags/anisotropic=false +flags/srgb=2 +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/HDR_as_SRGB=false +process/invert_color=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +stream=false +size_limit=0 +detect_3d=true +svg/scale=1.0 diff --git a/podbooker/default_env.tres b/podbooker/default_env.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20207a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/default_env.tres @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +[gd_resource type="Environment" load_steps=2 format=2] + +[sub_resource type="ProceduralSky" id=1] + +[resource] +background_mode = 2 +background_sky = SubResource( 1 ) diff --git a/podbooker/icon.png b/podbooker/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c98fbb6 Binary files /dev/null and b/podbooker/icon.png differ diff --git a/podbooker/icon.png.import b/podbooker/icon.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4c02e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/icon.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="StreamTexture" +path="res://.import/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.stex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://icon.png" +dest_files=[ "res://.import/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.stex" ] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_mode=0 +compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/normal_map=0 +flags/repeat=0 +flags/filter=true +flags/mipmaps=false +flags/anisotropic=false +flags/srgb=2 +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/HDR_as_SRGB=false +process/invert_color=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +stream=false +size_limit=0 +detect_3d=true +svg/scale=1.0 diff --git a/podbooker/kellett.tres b/podbooker/kellett.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d434ec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/kellett.tres @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +[gd_resource type="Theme" load_steps=7 format=2] + +[ext_resource path="res://assets/NotoSansDisplay-Medium.ttf" type="DynamicFontData" id=1] + +[sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=1] +font_data = ExtResource( 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=3] +bg_color = Color( 0.427451, 0.431373, 0.443137, 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=2] +bg_color = Color( 0, 0.0431373, 0.294118, 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=4] +bg_color = Color( 0.647059, 0, 0, 1 ) + +[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=5] + +[resource] +default_font = SubResource( 1 ) +Button/colors/font_color_hover = Color( 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1 ) +Button/fonts/font = SubResource( 1 ) +Button/styles/hover = SubResource( 3 ) +Button/styles/normal = SubResource( 2 ) +Button/styles/pressed = SubResource( 4 ) +Label/colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) +Panel/styles/panel = SubResource( 5 ) diff --git a/podbooker/noun-cogs-1959786.png b/podbooker/noun-cogs-1959786.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fce4cc Binary files /dev/null and b/podbooker/noun-cogs-1959786.png differ diff --git a/podbooker/noun-cogs-1959786.png.import b/podbooker/noun-cogs-1959786.png.import new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e624db8 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/noun-cogs-1959786.png.import @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +[remap] + +importer="texture" +type="StreamTexture" +path="res://.import/noun-cogs-1959786.png-346f5ef56cede1c10eebb97222280b34.stex" +metadata={ +"vram_texture": false +} + +[deps] + +source_file="res://noun-cogs-1959786.png" +dest_files=[ "res://.import/noun-cogs-1959786.png-346f5ef56cede1c10eebb97222280b34.stex" ] + +[params] + +compress/mode=0 +compress/lossy_quality=0.7 +compress/hdr_mode=0 +compress/bptc_ldr=0 +compress/normal_map=0 +flags/repeat=0 +flags/filter=true +flags/mipmaps=false +flags/anisotropic=false +flags/srgb=2 +process/fix_alpha_border=true +process/premult_alpha=false +process/HDR_as_SRGB=false +process/invert_color=false +process/normal_map_invert_y=false +stream=false +size_limit=0 +detect_3d=true +svg/scale=1.0 diff --git a/podbooker/project.godot b/podbooker/project.godot new file mode 100644 index 0000000..759cb7a --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/project.godot @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +; Engine configuration file. +; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly, +; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious. +; +; Format: +; [section] ; section goes between [] +; param=value ; assign values to parameters + +config_version=4 + +[application] + +config/name="PodBooker" +run/main_scene="res://MainStartScreen.tscn" +run/low_processor_mode=true +boot_splash/show_image=false +boot_splash/bg_color=Color( 0, 0.0431373, 0.294118, 1 ) +config/icon="res://assets/logo.png" +config/macos_native_icon="res://assets/logo.icns" + +[display] + +window/size/fullscreen=true +window/stretch/mode="2d" +window/stretch/aspect="keep" + +[gui] + +common/drop_mouse_on_gui_input_disabled=true + +[physics] + +common/enable_pause_aware_picking=true + +[rendering] + +quality/driver/driver_name="GLES2" +2d/snapping/use_gpu_pixel_snap=true +vram_compression/import_etc=true +vram_compression/import_etc2=false +environment/default_environment="res://default_env.tres" diff --git a/podbooker/time_script.gd b/podbooker/time_script.gd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79d0210 --- /dev/null +++ b/podbooker/time_script.gd @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +extends Node + +onready var important_vars = $"/root/MainStartScreen/impvars" + +var time = Time.get_datetime_dict_from_system() +var dayofweek = time["weekday"] +var day_number = time["day"] +var month_number = time["month"] +var year_number = time["year"] +var dayofweek_word +var month_word +var clock = Time.get_time_dict_from_system() + +var refresh_timer = 0 +var waiting_timer = 10000 +signal timer_beat + +# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. +func _ready(): +# warning-ignore:return_value_discarded + connect("timer_beat", self, "on_timer_beat") + + + # Give the day a unique number + important_vars.day_uid = str(day_number) + str(month_number) + str(year_number) + important_vars.day_uid2 = str(day_number) + str(month_number) + str(year_number) + + # A really long-winded way to convert an array. There is a better way to map it. Will update + # once I know. + + if dayofweek == 0: + dayofweek_word = "Sunday" + + if dayofweek == 1: + dayofweek_word = "Monday" + + if dayofweek == 2: + dayofweek_word = "Tuesday" + + if dayofweek == 3: + dayofweek_word = "Wednesday" + + if dayofweek == 4: + dayofweek_word = "Thursday" + + if dayofweek == 5: + dayofweek_word = "Friday" + + if dayofweek == 6: + dayofweek_word = "Saturday" + + + if month_number == 1: + month_word = "January" + + if month_number == 2: + month_word = "February" + + if month_number == 3: + month_word = "March" + + if month_number == 4: + month_word = "April" + + if month_number == 5: + month_word = "May" + + if month_number == 6: + month_word = "June" + + if month_number == 7: + month_word = "July" + + if month_number == 8: + month_word = "August" + + if month_number == 9: + month_word = "September" + + if month_number == 10: + month_word = "October" + + if month_number == 11: + month_word = "November" + + if month_number == 12: + month_word = "December" + + +# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. +func _process(_delta): + refresh_timer += 1 + if refresh_timer > waiting_timer: + refresh_timer = 0 + emit_signal("timer_beat") + print("Beat!") + +func on_timer_beat(): + important_vars.day_uid2 = str(day_number) + str(month_number) + str(year_number) + print("Yup!") + if important_vars.day_uid != important_vars.day_uid2: + get_tree().reload_current_scene()