# Pseudo-Code thinking writing # So two core scripts: The CONTROLLER SCRIPT (parent) and the DECK SCRIPT (child) # Cards are kept in a script (child node script should work with a boatload of variables) # Read from the script how many cards are in there # I really need to work on dictionaries and arrays for this to become a success! # Time for some Learn Godot stuff # Select a random card to show # Keep track of which cards are shown # Once no cards remain - tally up # --- # Each card consists of a question, an answer - but sometimes the answer is a string, float or integer # So need to find a way around that - Reset an empty variable? var question : String var answer_type : String if answer_type == "int": var answer : int # Something like this? # --- # Randomised wrong answers are generated - depending on the content_variable # This provides a range, where answers are usually 2 steps away from the correct one var randomised_variable = 1 var wrong_answer_one var wrong_answer_two var wrong_answer_three var wrong_answer_four var wrong_answer_five