extends Node onready var important_vars = $"/root/MainStartScreen/impvars" var time = Time.get_datetime_dict_from_system() var dayofweek = time["weekday"] var day_number = time["day"] var month_number = time["month"] var year_number = time["year"] var dayofweek_word var month_word var clock = Time.get_time_dict_from_system() var refresh_timer = 0 var waiting_timer = 10000 signal timer_beat # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): # warning-ignore:return_value_discarded connect("timer_beat", self, "on_timer_beat") # Give the day a unique number important_vars.day_uid = str(day_number) + str(month_number) + str(year_number) important_vars.day_uid2 = str(day_number) + str(month_number) + str(year_number) # A really long-winded way to convert an array. There is a better way to map it. Will update # once I know. if dayofweek == 0: dayofweek_word = "Sunday" if dayofweek == 1: dayofweek_word = "Monday" if dayofweek == 2: dayofweek_word = "Tuesday" if dayofweek == 3: dayofweek_word = "Wednesday" if dayofweek == 4: dayofweek_word = "Thursday" if dayofweek == 5: dayofweek_word = "Friday" if dayofweek == 6: dayofweek_word = "Saturday" if month_number == 1: month_word = "January" if month_number == 2: month_word = "February" if month_number == 3: month_word = "March" if month_number == 4: month_word = "April" if month_number == 5: month_word = "May" if month_number == 6: month_word = "June" if month_number == 7: month_word = "July" if month_number == 8: month_word = "August" if month_number == 9: month_word = "September" if month_number == 10: month_word = "October" if month_number == 11: month_word = "November" if month_number == 12: month_word = "December" # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(_delta): refresh_timer += 1 if refresh_timer > waiting_timer: refresh_timer = 0 emit_signal("timer_beat") print("Beat!") func on_timer_beat(): important_vars.day_uid2 = str(day_number) + str(month_number) + str(year_number) print("Yup!") if important_vars.day_uid != important_vars.day_uid2: get_tree().reload_current_scene()