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var npc_name : set = name_set
var dialogue : set = dialogue_set
var answers : set = answers_set
var npc
var answera : set = answera_set
var answerb : set = answerb_set
func name_set(new_value):
npc_name = new_value
$DialogBox/NameBox/NPCName.text = new_value
func dialogue_set(new_value):
dialogue = new_value
$DialogBox/Dialogue.text = new_value
func answers_set(new_value):
answers = new_value
$DialogBox/Answers.text = new_value
func answera_set(new_value):
answera = new_value
$DialogBox/ButtonA.text = new_value
func answerb_set(new_value):
answerb = new_value
$DialogBox/ButtonB.text = new_value
func open():
game_time.paused = 1
$DialogBox/Dialogue, \"percent_visible\", 0, 1, 1,
func close():
game_time.paused = 0
func _ready():
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventKey:
if event.keycode == KEY_A:
# if _on_ButtonA_pressed():
elif event.keycode == KEY_B:
func _on_ButtonA_pressed():
var a =
a.keycode = KEY_A
a.button_pressed = true # change to false to simulate a key release
func _on_ButtonB_pressed():
var a =
a.keycode = KEY_B
a.button_pressed = true # change to false to simulate a key release
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