result_text=str("Date: xx-xx-xxxx \nTime: X to X \n\nThis Time Sampling Form (TSF) observation was completed by %T. %S was observed for %time minutes during %AL. \n\nDuring the observation, OBS1 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. OBS2 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. OBS3 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. OBS4 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. OBS5 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. xx intervals were not scored.")
result_text=str("Date: xx-xx-xxxx \nTime: ",global_ints.observation_start_time," to ",global_ints.observation_end_time,"\n\nThis Time Sampling Form (TSF) observation was completed by %T. %S was observed for %time minutes during %AL. \n\nDuring the observation, OBS1 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. OBS2 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. OBS3 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. OBS4 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. OBS5 was observed x out of x times, resulting in xx%. xx intervals were not scored.")