
119 lines
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Raw Normal View History

extends CanvasLayer
2022-11-01 09:28:59 +00:00
onready var global_ints = $"/root/GlobalInts"
2022-11-01 09:28:59 +00:00
var time_lefts : int
var toggle_observation : bool = false
var observation_button_pressed : bool = false
2022-11-01 09:28:59 +00:00
func _ready():
$"Panel/BehaviourButtons".visible = false
func _process(_delta):
time_lefts = $"TwentySecondTimer".time_left
$"Panel/TimeRemaining".text = str(time_lefts)
if time_lefts == 5 && toggle_observation == false:
print("We're at the five second mark!")
toggle_observation = true
$"Panel/BehaviourButtons".visible = true
2022-11-01 09:28:59 +00:00
func on_interval_moment():
print("Timer reaches 0 - Let's check if buttons have been pressed and count something")
toggle_observation = false
# Otherwise - a 6 is registered (nothing selected)
# Buttons are to become visible again
global_ints.locked_observations_intervals_remaining -= 1
2022-11-01 09:28:59 +00:00
global_ints.locked_observations_completed += 1
$"Panel/BehaviourButtons".visible = false
if observation_button_pressed == false:
global_ints.six_behaviour_score += 1
global_ints.total_behaviours += 1
observation_button_pressed = false
# The thing below here should become a graphic bar as well
2022-11-01 09:28:59 +00:00
$"Panel/DescriptorBox/ObservationsRemaining".text = str(global_ints.locked_observations_intervals_remaining)
func _on_TwentySecondTimer_timeout():
if global_ints.locked_observations_intervals_remaining == 1:
print("We're completely done - no intervals remain")
# So I should end the observation and move to the Results window.
var obs_date_time = OS.get_time()
if obs_date_time.minute < 10:
global_ints.observation_end_time = str(obs_date_time.hour, ":0", obs_date_time.minute)
if obs_date_time.minute >= 10:
global_ints.observation_end_time = str(obs_date_time.hour, ":", obs_date_time.minute)
global_ints.generate_results = true
$"../Results".visible = true
if global_ints.locked_observations_intervals_remaining > 1:
func _on_BehaviourOne_pressed():
global_ints.one_behaviour_score += 1
global_ints.total_behaviours += 1
observation_button_pressed = true
$"Panel/BehaviourButtons".visible = false
func _on_BehaviourTwo_pressed():
global_ints.two_behaviour_score += 1
global_ints.total_behaviours += 1
observation_button_pressed = true
$"Panel/BehaviourButtons".visible = false
func _on_BehaviourThree_pressed():
global_ints.three_behaviour_score += 1
global_ints.total_behaviours += 1
observation_button_pressed = true
$"Panel/BehaviourButtons".visible = false
func _on_BehaviourFour_pressed():
global_ints.four_behaviour_score += 1
global_ints.total_behaviours += 1
observation_button_pressed = true
$"Panel/BehaviourButtons".visible = false
func _on_BehaviourFive_pressed():
global_ints.five_behaviour_score += 1
global_ints.total_behaviours += 1
observation_button_pressed = true
$"Panel/BehaviourButtons".visible = false
func _on_Button_pressed():
2022-11-01 09:28:59 +00:00
print("We're aborting, so deal with as completely done - no intervals remain")
# This to set the original total count to what's actually been completed
global_ints.locked_observation_intervals = global_ints.locked_observations_completed
# So I should end the observation and move to the Results window.
var obs_date_time = OS.get_time()
if obs_date_time.minute < 10:
global_ints.observation_end_time = str(obs_date_time.hour, ":0", obs_date_time.minute)
if obs_date_time.minute >= 10:
global_ints.observation_end_time = str(obs_date_time.hour, ":", obs_date_time.minute)
global_ints.generate_results = true
$"../Results".visible = true