
43 lines
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extends Button
var config = ConfigFile.new()
onready var node_variables = get_node("/root/NodeVariables")
onready var user_info = get_node("/root/UserValues")
onready var user_name = get_node("%textbox_user_name")
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
func _on_button_user_save_pressed():
# Store some values.
# Maybe this one only runs if there is no ini
config.set_value("User", "user_name", user_name.text)
user_info.user_first_name = user_name.text
#config.set_value("Player1", "best_score", 10)
#onfig.set_value("Player2", "player_name", "V3geta")
#config.set_value("Player2", "best_score", 9001)
# Save it to a file (overwrite if already exists).
# Need to make sure I never lose any values I add.
# This seems to be a manual thing to program.
# So per value, make sure to read it upon load.
# And write it out again as well.
node_variables.main_screen.visible = true
node_variables.start_menu.visible = true
node_variables.user_menu.visible = false
# Need to do a "This thing can't be empty" code
# Most likely here. A if .text = null, then,
# don't proceed.